
Organic Teas! What's Your Recipe?

in Organics Wed Dec 25, 2013 9:55 pm
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

Organic Teas! Whats your brew?
Thought I would start a kind of tea recipe thread. A lot of people enjoy brewing their own, and using it as a primary organic food source, as a supplemental tea, or as a foliar apray. There are so many different additives and ratios people use. Maybe this will clear up a lot of "newby-ish" question we get about the topic also.

If your in, post what you like for Veg, Flower and Micro-Maintanance.

Heres Drfting's Organic Brew: I make 5 gallons and use when needed, as a foliar or watering.
Veg: 1 cup Dr. Earth Organic 5 Fetilizer per gallon of water, 1-2 Tbls Brier Rabbit Mollasses per gallon of water. Brew with air-pump for minimum 36 hours and use full strength @ 3 weeks old.
Micro: 1 Tbls Brier Rabbit Mollasses per gallon of water
Flower: 1 cup Dr. Earth Organic 8 Fetilizer per gallon of water, 1-2 Tbls Brier Rabbit Mollasses per gallon of water. Brew with air-pump for minimum 36 hours and use full strength until chop

Maybe some people will play along....
Thanks Marijuana Passion! and Green Mojo!

OzzyDioDude post

Heres one I have been using awhile now that seems to work for me.

5 Gal Dechlorinated water(I dont check or pay attention to PH)
5 TBL(tablespoon) Blackstrap Molasses
2 Cups worm casting
1 Cup compost
5 TBL Epson Salts
5 TBL Blood meal
5 TBL Bone meal

Brew for 48 hrs in a aeration bucket(air stone in a bucket) the more air the better.Then strain before mixing or using. Then mix 50/50 with plain dechlorinated water and water your plants. For a treat for my ladies I Use 25%Tea/75% plain dechlorinated water as a folier spray.

Any thing that does not desolve in the brewing time just gets added to the compost pile.

orangesunshine post

i free hand pour all my ingredients

veg tea/watering
sulphured molasses
fish emulsion or fish powder

work in some bone meal at the flip

flower tea/watering
sulphured molasses
kelp powder
humic acid

BBFan post

Hey drfting07- How you been?

Sounds like your mixing up nutes rather than brewing a tea. You really need to add something that has some type of bacterial life in it- like worm castings, guano, or a commercial product like Espoma Bio-Tone. That's what will get the activity going in the tea to start breaking down the organic elements and matter to give you slightly quicker results when you feed the mix to your plants. Watch out for some wacky smells.

Worm castings will make a good tea, but be careful with manures as they may have more anaerobic bacteria and are also high in salts, unless they have been well composted. Garden compost makes great teas also. I guess it depends on what you're trying to achieve: Something specific to address a nutrient deficiency or trying to increase microbial life present in the soil and on the plant itself from foilar sprays.

Happy Growing!

Originally Posted by BBFan
Hey drfting07- How you been?

Sounds like your mixing up nutes rather than brewing a tea. You really need to add something that has some type of bacterial life in it- like worm castings, guano, or a commercial product like Espoma Bio-Tone. That's what will get the activity going in the tea to start breaking down the organic elements and matter to give you slightly quicker results when you feed the mix to your plants. Watch out for some wacky smells.
Happy Growing!

Hi BBFan

Ive done the whole mixing and matching of single ingredient nutrients before, and brewed teas out of it. Im finding it much easier to have someone do the mixing and matching for me. Cheaper that way too. Dr. Earth is some good **** man. Heres whats in it:

Dr. Earth Organic 5; Alaskan fish bone meal, high country feather meal, Norwegian cold water kelp meal, valley grown alfalfa meal, colloidal soft rock phosphate, fish meal, mined potassium sulfate, humic acid, seaweed extract, beneficial soil microbes and myco

Dr. Earth Organic 8; Alaskan fish bone meal, high country feather meal, mined potassium sulfate, valley grown alfalfa meal, Norwegian cold water kelp meal, seaweed extract, beneficial microbes and myco

I add a few things as i brew, but its a pretty well rounded fert as is.

Glad people are finding this thread useful! Keep Updating! THANKS!

pcduck post

Originally Posted by mtnlaurel.com
The quality of molasses depends on the maturity of the sugar cane, the amount of sugar extracted, and the method of extraction. There are three major types of molasses: unsulphured, sulphured and blackstrap.

Unsulphured molasses is the finest quality. It is made from the juice of sun-ripened cane and the juice is clarified and concentrated.

Sulphured molasses is made from green sugar cane that has not matured long enough and treated with sulphur fumes during the sugar extracting process. Molasses from the first boiling is the finest grade because only a small amount of sugar has been removed. The second boil molasses takes on a darker color, is less sweet and has a more pronounced flavor.

Blackstrap molasses is from the third boil and only has a commercial value in the manufacture of cattle feed and other industrial uses.

Not sure if because of the sulphur being added or because being a more nutritionally dense sweetener.

Just did more research.

Sulphurated molasses kill the microbes.

The so2 must be bad.

orangesunshine post

wish i could tell you all the technical reasons why i use non un sulphured molasses so i could look really smart---there are none

bottom line is----90% of my soil amendments come in bulk from a feed store--- molasses is used in every watering---all additives are eyeballed---the beneficials in the soil like it---$20 for 5 gal is a bargain

as my esteemed colleague pcduck has already shared---sulphur is used to harvest the molasses---it's a by product---costs mo money in the manufacturing process to remove it for the molasses to become food grade---little pricey in the designer grocery stores for 1liter---this does not work for me cause i am a free pourer

shhhhh---don't tell my microbes the sulphur is supposed to be killing them---residual sulphur from molasses harvesting killing microbes is not all correct---my microb colony is thriving and outnumbers the sulphur molecules---i will be happy to share a rootball with any nay sayers

also---farmers use this stuff to lace the feed for their live stock cause it is sweet---trace amounts of sulphur in molasses may not be food grade---but it's not lethal either cause i am not drinking it---in fact--you can't smell it in the molasses, and the plant does not appear to uptake the sulphur---if it did---i would never have a powdery mildew attack

this is from "the soilguy" website

Feed Grade Molasses: Commercial grade molasses has sulphur and possibly other preservatives and antibiotics added to reduce fungal growth. Sulphur in most inorganic forms make excellent fungal inhibitors. Antibiotics will inhibit, kill and prevent the growth a wide range, but not all bacteria and fungi. Thus feed grade molasses is not a good choice for a biological stimulant. Care must be taken to read about the ingredients so no ugly little surprises confront you and you don't get the response you want to see.

also checked the label on my cane molasses bucket---it is blackstrap feed grade---i assume it is sulphured because it does not say unsulphured---never had any issues using this stuff and believe it is more helpful than not because it is stimulating and feeding some of the microbal activity---and does provid sugars and starches---proof remains in the rootball for me---i guess feed grade molasses is better than NO molasses

pcduck post

Orange I will check on that feed molasses as I have a friend that works at where it is processed if it is unsulphurated or not.

Also not sure if they meant sulphur or the sulphur dioxide which to my understanding could be a chemical breakdown reaction and build up down the line in the process. I need to find that web site again.

Did not find the web site yet... but found out that sulphur dioxide is added as a preservative.

Not sure but isn't SO2 the beginning of acid rain?
Might be ok for a few grows but once the SO2 is above tolerance levels I would think they would have a tough go of it. Just me thinking out loud.

7greeneyes post

Molasses made from young sugar cane is called sulphured molasses because of the sulfur dioxide that is added to keep the raw cane fresh until it is processed and to preserve the molasses byproducts produced from it. Unsulphured molasses is made from matured cane plants that have been allowed to ripen naturally in the field.

The triple boiling and sugar extraction process results in Blackstrap molasses being a more nutritionally dense sweetener than plain or "second" molasses. Blackstrap contains the same vitamins and minerals as "second" molasses, but in a more concentrated form. Blackstrap molasses also contains antioxidant compounds, which may help prevent cell damage from free radicals.

Read more: hxxp://www.livestrong.com/article/507716.../#ixzz1yvZeowv2

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RE: Organic Teas! What's Your Recipe?

in Organics Wed Dec 25, 2013 9:59 pm
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

this be the Scoop on poop thread?

take care and be safe
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RE: Organic Teas! What's Your Recipe?

in Organics Wed Dec 25, 2013 10:03 pm
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

no this the organic teas thread I'm working on getting the threads c& to here as I get around to them

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RE: Organic Teas! What's Your Recipe?

in Organics Wed Dec 25, 2013 10:10 pm
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

pcduck post

Trying out a new tea recipe.

Additives per 1 gallon of pure water.

1 tablespoon Kelp Meal
1 tablespoon 5-5-5 dry organic fertilizer
1 tablespoon black-strap molasses
1 teaspoon of high N bat guano

Bubble for 24 hours

Then add:

1/4 cup Big Bloom
1/2 cup worm castings or compost
1 teaspoon liquid fish fertilizer
10 drops CAMg+ by GO

Bubble for another 24 hours.

Strain and dilute. 1 gallon of tea will make 2 gallons of feed.

This tea is a TLO tea by The Rev.
Just started using the TLO method so I will let ya know the outcome.

farmergreen post

HI..I just found the site... I will not waste much time with specifics...I just read about the molasses..you have to use UN-sulphered molasses. Anyways..here is a vegging tea I use. I make 5 gals. at a time:
I use well water in a 5 gal bucket
2 cups EWC (store bought or home made)
1 cup Alfalfa meal
1 cup Kelp meal
1/2 cup bone meal
1/2 cup blood meal
1/2 cup puruvian seabird guano
1/2 cup to 1 cup MEXICAN bat guano ( 10-1-1 )
1 TBLS espoma Bio Tone Starter Plus
2 TBLS. Organic fish and seaweed fertilizer ( Neptunes Harvest)
1 TBLS Nitrozime marine algae extract
2-3 TBLS VermaPlex Organic Microbial Soil Inoculant (e-bay)
2-3 TBLS Unsulphered Blackstrap ( or any brand) MOLASSES
1/2 TSP. Humic Acid
1/2 Cup concentrated worm casting TEA (e-bay)
I stir all this together and use a strong pump to bubble it for 48 hrs. minimum.
I give the plants about 1-2 cupfuls (depending on sixe of plant) after watering about once every 2 weeks.
I use a similar recipie for flowering except I cut out the alfalfa, bone and blood meals, the seabird guano, the nitrozime, the fish and seaweed fertilizer, humic acid and the espoma bio tone. I substitute the MEXICAN bat guano with INDONIESIAN bat guano ( 0.5-13-0.3 ) and JAMACIAN bat guano ( 1-10-1 ) I may also add 2 TBLS of pure natural phosphous.
Am I overdoing? So far the plants are doing great, very lush and thick thick stalks. I used this basic recipie last year and had excellant results. I appriciate this organic thread and anticipate that I will have a few questions about teas and soils if I can't find the answers after reading all the posts. THANKS!!


Here are some good reads on Aerated Compost Tea or ACT:

Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardeners guide to the Soil Food Web

The Compost Tea Brewing Manual hxxp://lake.osu.edu/cuyahoga/topics/agri...ng%20Manual.pdf




THC's Ozzy Bomb Brew !
Hi guys this brew may well be unfamiliar to many as i only have the option of using Australian Products !

Twohighcrimes OzzyBomb Brew.


1 x 25kg bag Searles 5'n'1 ( contents per bag : Blood n bone, Cow manure,sheep manure,Chicken manure,)

1 x 25kg bag Mother natures Mushroom compost.

1 x 25kg bag Richgrow Organic Premium Compost.

1 x 90 Ltr Brunnings easy wetta premuim coco coir block ( flushed 3 times with 5 TBLSP epsom salts, 50mls of eco dolimite liquid lime along with 200 mls of Powerfeed added to final flush and left to soak for 12 -18hrs)

10- 12 shovels of washed builders sand.

2 x cupful of Richgrow blood n bone
4 x cupful richgrow super phosphate .( hit with hammer to dust )

2 x handful of king island kelp meal,

3 handfuls dolimite lime pulverised

Vege mix Tea 15 ltr Bubble teas are brewed using :
15 ltrs rain water or "tap water bubbled for 24hrs to dechlorinate.

4 cups of vege bin worm castings,

3 cups compost,

Power feed @ 80mls,

Seasol seaweed liquid @ 70mls

(dusted dolimite lime @ 1 handful )

2 TBLSP kelp meal

1 handful Richgrow super phoshate (dusted)

3 TBLSP of dissolved epsom salts,

3-4 TBLSP of Beerenberg unsulphered molasses
I feed teas undiluted every 3rd watering .( water, water, Feed,)


I had some vege mix around 15kg left over and added it with..

1 x 25kg bag Richgrow mushroom compost

1x 25kg bag searles 5"n"1

1 x 25 kg bag Richgrow Organic Premuim compost

45 ltrs Brunnings coco coir Flushed 3 times with 5 TBLSP dissolved epsom salts 200mls seasol liquid seaweed and 100mls of powerfeed added to final flush and left to soak for 12-18hrs,

4 cups of Dolimite lime ( dusted use hammer)

3-4 handfuls King Island Kelp meal

3 handfuls richgrow sulphate of potash (dusted use hammer)

4 x cupful super phos (dusted use hammer)

15ltr Bubble teas Flowering brew consists of :
4 cups flower bin worm castings,

2 handfuls garden compost,

1x handful "dusted" dolimite lime

1 x handful Super phos (dusted),

1 x handful sulphate of potash (dusted)

1 handful king island kelp meal,

100mls seasol liquid kelp,

Powerfeed varies according to yellowing of older growth and would be strain dependant imo ! 20-50 mls .

4 Tblsp of beerenberg unsulphered molasses.

I feed every 3-4 days undiluted and Airate for 20-24hrs .

If any members could aid in Promoting this Tea and soil Mix I would be grateful.

Thankyou guys .

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