we have h5n1 and h1n1 (h5 is very rare though and only claimed one person returning from china)
they're really rampin up the scare factor this year though eh? "worst ever, flu shot shortage, go, go now... you'll die if you don't" (ok i added the last one. but basically the tone they're taking on the news and every front page of every paper)
hospitals are pretty full ATM, and it has claimed a few. i still think it's overblown, and never get my shot though. (and always think of the narcolepsy children from the last h1n1 pandemic; www.ctvnews.ca/w5/sleeping-sickness-a-w5...lepsy-1.1524420)
*we allowed live links here? i did hxxp, but it was still live, so said eff it ;)