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RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:13 pmby Weedhopper •

The Medium you use to grow has nothing to do with the Light Little Brother.
A 1000 watt HPS will grow Dank Weed over Dirt or Water,,of course,,ya have to have a Dank Strain and know how to grow. Plenty Peeps here to help ya Bro. Ask all the question ya need,,and I can see you will probably need to ask a few more.

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:57 pmby Melvan •

And because they think they can switch you over to hydro, and sell you a bunch of hydro equipment if they say it's a hydro light. I have a 4 year in marketing, trust me, it's a sales trick.

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Wed Jan 29, 2014 6:58 amby jungle •

I can't possibly see the right place to post this but because it's a thread about doing something wrong so to speak I have two questions about the shipping of seeds. Lets say my seeds were in customs for 7 days. 2 of those days were the weekend. Is this a normal amount of time for them to be there? And do you think it's OK to ship a package from overseas without the return address on it. Is that a red flag? Has anyone ordered seeds with out having a return address on the package and all went OK? And if seeds get confiscated is 7 days a normal time in customs for the rest of the package to be shipped out after they take the seeds or is it usually a longer delay? I'm just sort of worrying I guess. I wonder why the seed company would give the option if one wasn't very good such as no return address vs having one? If I had to do it all over again I'd probably feel better having one on the package. I hope things go well. I feel it's my bad about not using a return address but I didn't understand the question when I was filling out the ordering process. I guess I was sort of thinking they had return addresses they would just put on it and it didn't make since why they were asking me to do so so I said no. ? I don't know any addresses over seas. Any feed back is welcome. I'm just hoping it will go OK. I know the package left customs and should be here in a few days but not sure the seeds will still be in it? I'll know with in the next 3 days how it will turn out and let ya know. usually I get them by now but there was a holiday and some weekends and its been 18 days so far. Tks.

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:41 amby Weedhopper •

I think your over thinking it Bro..I wouldnt worry about the Address,,there is no way they can follow all those seed orders all over the World. Another words,,the only wy seeds are gonna get ya busted,, is if ya told someone your growing or they smell your grow. Loose Lips 99.9 % of the time is what gets PPL busted,,not ordering or receiving beans,,or the return Addy on the package..

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:34 pmby Melvan •

Pot seeds are legal in the US for souvenir purposes, you just can't germinate them. Currently the US Dept of Agriculture is helping to circumvent that rule by intercepting cannabis seeds under the invasive species quarantine. Many times they're shown as being held in customs when they're actually in the hands of Dept. of Ag.
As the seeds are legal to own, they cannot be used as an excuse of themselves to access your grow. And I'm pretty sure, unless you're ordering thousands of them at a time, that DEA doesn't have much interest, or any other LEO for that matter, in sitting on your house waiting to find other evidence to use.
If Dept of Ag has them, there will be a notice on the package. If customs has them, they'll want you to come down and get them, which you don't do. Good luck, I hope they arrive safe.

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:50 pmby Weedhopper •

Found this for Texas
This year is starting off with a bang. Recently, we represented a client in the City of Garland Municipal Court who was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. He was alleged to have possessed marijuana seeds, which the police state they found during a routine traffic stop. However, under Texas law, seeds are not considered drug paraphernalia, because, in order to be drug paraphernalia, the items seized must be used to introduce drugs into your system. Clearly, marijuana seeds do not meet this definition. Furthermore, possession of marijuana seeds is not prohibited under the general marijuana possession statute. In fact, when a person is charged with possession of marijuana in Texas (whether it be the City of Garland Municipal Court, or elsewhere), the law requires that the seeds and stems be removed before the weed is weighed. Hence, he could not prosecuted under that law, either. The result? Case dismissed! If you have a City of Garland Municipal Court case, call Berlof & Newton, P.C. today @ 214.827.2800, or contact one of our lawyers directly using the "Get Legal Help Now!" free consultation request form in the left margin of this web page. Whether it's a speeding ticket, no insurance violation, running a red light, no drivers license, public intoxication, or any other class "C" misdemeanor, we can help!

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:38 pmby ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:33 pmby sin inc •

yea man the Attitudeis really being hit hard by customs at the moment. chi town has been hit the hardest so far with almost 65-70 % of attidues seeds get took by customs. bummer . i was going to order some Ultimate Purple BC Bud Depot but snice i have found nothing but bad reviews for bc bud depot. got some purple bud coming from seedsman. and i really leans to kos seeds or beno at the hempdepot

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:10 amby jungle •

Did I order wrong?
i probably should of asked before I purchased. But I ordered one of those cheap Ipower units......lots of good reviews.....some not so good.....half of the package came ok the other part was returned to E-Marketing solutions, because it was broken and non deliverable....The company apologized and sent out another, but it went to somebody who signed off on it on the west coast.......So I sent email already and waiting for their reply and contacted amozon and they sent an e mail to them stating my concern about whether or not I'm going to get the package. One wasn't packaged well enough for being tossed around by UPS and a blatant delivery error. I have a feeling this is going to be a cheap piece of garbage. Anyone have any luck with this company or brand of light?

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:54 pmby jungle •

For whosoever s listening. I received an email from E-Marketing Solutions and they said my package would be there today. I did a tracking on it and it said the driver left it on the door step of the address I requested, so it must of arrived, why it said it went to the west coast and was signed for I don't understand. So they did do right and reshipped the package in a timely manner. Good for them.....I will be able to do a report on this light whether its of good quality or not. If anyone has any experiences with the ipower grow lights I'd be glad to hear about it. I hope it works OK. :)

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:08 pmby jungle •

1000w digital super hps mh grow light system with xl air cooled tube (2 in 1 extra large wing) Best 1000 watt hydroponic grow light set 1000 watt dimable ballast, super high pressure sodium and mh bulb, 6" air cooled tube. yo yo and timer kit. compare with hydrofarm and sunlight. its by E marketing solutions. and it's an ipower. it's reg price is $599.00 i bought it for $250.45 + $19.49 shipping............at amazon.....someones checking on if it was delivered today and i'm waitting to hear back....the tracking said it was, so i believe i can go get it when i hear back

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:58 pmby MR1 •

It is tough to say about the quality but it seems too good to be true for that price. One thing I can tell you tho is don't use that timer for your lights , it will burn up on you. You need a heavy duty outdoor timer or equivalent. The ballast and the bulb and timer will be the weak parts I think so keep an eye on them. Is this the package.

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Sat Feb 08, 2014 4:23 amby jungle •

ok thanks for the heads up, I'm sure your right on about your evaluation. Theres a 2 year warranty if the ballast goes bad. I'll have access to my old 1000 watt light also for a back up. I'm transferring some clones from another persons grow and my old lights coming with it. I never have used a timer but if I do I'll go heavy duty. I read in one of the reviews the bulbs aren't that good like you said. Well see what happens, I should of probably bought a better grow light, this ones probably to cheaply made. But if some of those reviews are true it may be ok. thanks MR 1. This company seems to try hard to make things right, some how the tracking part of it got mixed up with another persons order on the west coast while mine was being sent promptly. I was surprised it already arrived, just was getting wrong info on the tracking for some reason. I don't know how to put that picture in my post like you did in yours, so I had to type all the description in instead. Hope to learn someday. So I'll be flowering some clones here with in the next few days. The seeds from attitude are on their way again.

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:52 amby MR1 •

Jungle sometimes you luck out with those deals sometimes you don't. Maybe you will be lucky. I have a digital ballast I bought for cheap and the darn thing melted on me, I will get you a picture of it later. Right click on picture, save as ( title for picture),picture should be in your pictures folder. Then you just go to Write reply and upload and attach your pictures. It is fairly easy to figure out just use the preview button to see what your post will look like. Descriptions I just copy and paste into post.

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:40 pmby jungle •

all right I got it........what about live links......is that easy to?.......I have plants under my new light running all night.......here in an hour or two they'll go into darkness.....I'll remove the smaller clones......that I'm not flowering yet. and keep them under some fluorescent..outside of the grow tent...... anyways i'm going to have about 12 plants...that have been flowering for 4 or 5 weeks..to finish that someone else has already been growing....He's going to take a break....re-leave some stress......and I have about 16 clones besides the ones that have been flowering that aren't quite ready so they will go in next..when these others are done. ..then the seeds. I did a tracking on the seeds and and they are arriving on good time so I believe this time around was successful. I asked attitude to just send them the best way they could and I'd let them use there own method to get them here. I have never done any copying and pasting yet....I'll try it...

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:33 amby The Hemp Goddess •

I have had very good luck with everything I have purchased from Amazon. I personally have found very little difference in electronic ballasts regardless of the price or name brand. Is there a reason that it is not coming to your home--just curious why you did not have it sent to you?
Also, I am almost 100% sure that possession of cannabis seeds in the US is illegal. In the UK they are legal for souvenir purposes, but in the good ol US, you can still be arrested for possession of cannabis seeds.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History--Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:54 pmby jungle •

One reason I bought the ballast was because I read in a post someplace by you answering someones question and you suggested an ipower grow light to him. So I thought it's probably ok then if you suggested it. You didn't know that did you? lol And it all seems to be working fine right now. My grow is at my home....and I live in a small town. so people notice things a little more than a larger town. I'm new in this town. I'm trying to be very discreet. I don't share my marijuana with anyone in this town. If any marijuana is shared outside of my friendships it's done in a different town. When my seeds were confiscated I had to go to post office and pick them up. and I felt uncomfortable because I'm new in this town and people are just more aware of what other people are doing. I've always had my seeds sent to my home address but after they were intercepted they now will begin to be going to the same friend The grow light went to. He lives in another town. I have 2 friends basically with tight lips that enjoy this marijuana hobby in one way or another. So it's basically a precaution. Some things I'm getting sent to my home like camera but the grow stuff I decided to have it sent to a friends house in case a package became open or something and suspicions might be raised. I just feel the less packages delivered to me with a grow at home the better. I'd rather bring them in at night when people are sleeping. Anyways that's kind of the idea. I hope it makes some sense. thanks for asking.

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:24 pmby The Hemp Goddess •

I live in a very small town, too. It is not an exaggeration to say that most people know most people. No problem with taking extra precautions if you feel you need to and have friends that you are 100% sure of (though in real life, telling anyone is a risk). Stay safe.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History--Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

RE: did I order wrong?
in Sizing and Lighting Wed Feb 12, 2014 9:35 amby Melvan •

Criminal charges associated with Marijuana Seeds may also exist in conjunction with cultivation charges in the event that Marijuana Seeds - the source ingredient required to manufacture Marijuana – has been discovered on an individual suspect. These charges may arise due to the fact that an expressed intention for the cultivation of Marijuana is implicit within the possession of key manufacturing ingredients.
Which basically means if you have the equipment necessary to grow them, then they're illegal. No evidence of intent to grow, not illegal. But, all they'd have to say is "I see plant food and potting soil", and that would give them intent, even if you were just growing tomatoes. The way it's written, there's a lot of gray for leo to work with.

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