Weekly Update
With the days getting shorter, the evenings cool off quicker, it is just a heck of a lot more comfortable for the girls, I think. It is still coming close to the triple digits late in the afternoon some days, but I am hoping the worst of the heat is behind us now. I have plants that are the exact same seeds and two will look farther along than the other two. They get the same treatment, only difference is the area they are in in the garden, like right next to each other. As always these plants entertain me. We have been killing the grasshoppers to the tune of a couple a day. We chased a one legged survivor around the garden for three days till we nailed him. I cant say killing him was fun but I can say it was satisfying. Nuff palavering.
On with the show.
1. A view as we enter the garden, with the Flower Bomb in the foreground.
2. The Big Show, The one the only Sugar Black Rose! Her tippy top Kola.
3. The bud shot of the Flower Bomb. These are some rock hard buds here.
4. Again the Sugar Black Rose, a smaller bud showing the sugar production.
5. More of the Sugar Black Rose to see the beautiful form of her lower buds. My attempt at Art.
We have about a month now to go before we start harvest. We are upping the nutes to the point of seeing nute burn and they all have amazed me and not got burned leaf tips yet. We are using Cha Ching every other day.
Water in the well is going down with the drought. We are now washing clothes in town at the laundry mat. Our corner of California is burning up. There was a fire about ten miles from me a week or so ago! It started by a boat that was not secured properly at the trailer hitch and sparks from it going down the road alone caused the fire. It was contained before it got out of hand, but farther north a really big one is burning now. I am talking epic big.
So do as Smokey says, Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires, so secure all trailer hitches. Oh and if it is yellow, keep it mellow, brown flush it down. Way more than enough said.

Random buds from yesterday and the day before.