This year's take from the garden, and a few things we bought to can.
30 quarts of peaches
22 quarts apple pie filling
7 quarts salsa base
10 pints salsa (5 hot, 5 not)
27 pints beet pickles
8 quarts green beans
62 pints green beans
13 pints creamed corn
16- 1/2 pint corn nibs (pot pie, stew,)
60 pints carrots
23- 1/2 pints carrot nibs
30- onions, 3 to 4 inch
350 heads of garlic
6 watermelons size of footballs
13 pumpkins size if basketballs
13 gal frozen peas
16 lbs frozen broccoli
18 lbs frozen cauliflower
8 lbs frozen tomatoes
30 lbs frozen green chili
5 pints choke cherry jelly
6 pints peach jam
3- 1/2 pints peach jam
18 pints of peach-pit syrup
17 pints jalapeño jelly (11 red, 6 green)