I don't know if it would be called Marijuana News, but that was the first topic I looked at here.
For all you who know me from that "OTHER SITE", Greetings and Salutations! For those of you who don't know me, Greetings and Salutations . To let you all know what has been happening here at the ranch for the last six months or so.....
1. The dial up got slower and slower and the hip got worse and worse so I could not spend time sitting here typing or reading at the computer (that is my excuse for leaving a perfectly set up grow journal over at the "OTHER SITE" or does anyone care if I say, MP or Marijuana Passion here?).
2. I was the happy recipient of a new Smith and Nephew hip joint mid July. This Item if ever anyone is in the market for one is the greatest thing since sliced bread and I hope Obama Care will give them out for Christmas to all who need one.
3. Per the journal I mentioned above (called U2 not the Band) sorry to leave my happy readers hanging.
Journal Update With the ever present gardener my Mr. TC, we put away a pretty nice harvest. We guided 16 U2 Kush plants to maturity and one Cherry Pie and one Huckleberry. The two latter were very nice big hard buds, the U2 Kush another matter. Those buds crawled up the limbs of those plants like a thousand ants headed for a pile of sugar in a pantry Most the size of a fifty cent piece. The largest on the very ends maybe twice that if we were lucky. What you say is wrong with this you ask? We trimmed for 25 days, eight hour days and got 8 lbs of that U2 Kush. I have been growing for about five years on a Medical Marijuana basis and this year was the first I threw my hands up and said "enough, I can no longer trim another bud". So I got on the phone that very day and gave/delivered all the rest of those pesky plants to friends. Who still like me much to my amazement. But then, they did not trim for 25 days straight. Though I hate to say it and would never do it again, I recommend the U2 Kush with a good buzz and a hardy plant that produced copious bud and will drive you insane trimming it. UPSIDE, NO Spider mites, no problems at all, a very solid season growing here at the ranch. Looking forward now to a new season and new girls to watch grow.
As you can see, I love lists and if you will have me, I will write many having to do with my summer outdoor journals. I am glad to find you all and hope you are healthy and happy and high. I am all of those and more,

PS yesterday I had installed a Dish Satellite system and now have some extremely fast kick arse fast wyfi. Thank the Maker.