
Determining The Potency of CannaButter

in Cannabis Cooking Wed Feb 05, 2014 11:38 am
by Vegs | 17 Posts | 92 Points

I am going to begin making my own edibles today. I’ve been using tinctures with success and am now ready to move onto non-baked/baked goods using butter and oils. I have one question about determining the potency of the cannabutter so I can make the correct dosage/sizes for myself.

I understand that you loose about 25% when making the butter; however, how do you determine the potency for individual portioning? Should I also calculate a 25% lose of THC and CDB’s as well as the butter?

1 ounce of flower to 1 lb butter
¾ of a lb. is returned after infusing decarbed flower

1) Can I safely say I still have 28 grams of marijuana in the remaining ¾ lb. of butter?
2) Or should I also calculate a 25% lose on THC/CBD within that ¾ lb. of butter?
a. Example: 21 grams of THC/CBD to distribute throughout the edible?

Many thanks in advance. Again, I am trying to steer away from the “eat a little and wait to determine potency” when I can somewhat scientifically ball park it.


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RE: Determining The Potency of CannaButter

in Cannabis Cooking Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:53 pm
by Vegs | 17 Posts | 92 Points

Sorry, I should have mentioned that I am decarbing the flower at 250 degrees for 20 minutes before adding to the butter. I am not making ghee so no clarification will be occurring throughout the process. Top shelf pre 98 bubba is the strain being used.

The mixture is currently in a mason jar inside a pot of boiling water for an hour or 1.5 hours before being cooled and strained.

Last edited Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:54 pm | Scroll up


RE: Determining The Potency of CannaButter

in Cannabis Cooking Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:40 pm
by umbra | 780 Posts | 4085 Points

honestly, I don't know any way to determine the potency other than with mass spectroscopy, either thin layer or gas chromo. An easier way is to use a concentrate, where you have a better idea of potency without the expense of testing. This is how more and more edible companies are doing it.

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RE: Determining The Potency of CannaButter

in Cannabis Cooking Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:00 pm
by Vegs | 17 Posts | 92 Points

Looks like I had an 8% loss when strained before cooling.

Thanks. I'll be baking with homemade ice water bubblehash in the near future. Assuming that's a more accurate way to gauge dosage per piece. I still will play with the cannabutter as well.

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RE: Determining The Potency of CannaButter

in Cannabis Cooking Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:51 am
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

I test the potency of my cannabutter by eating it.

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RE: Determining The Potency of CannaButter

in Cannabis Cooking Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:27 pm
by Vegs | 17 Posts | 92 Points

As so does my testing includes eating it. I was really hoping for a tenured cannabutter individual to have stepped in to say, "on average I see a 70-80% (or another figure) penetration of THC to the butter with about 8-10% loss in butter"... This would have been helpful but I understand why this is such a hard question to answer. Because of all the variables (potency of MJ, technique used to infused etc) it's a toughie but one I'll answer over time as I do side by side testing.

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RE: Determining The Potency of CannaButter

in Cannabis Cooking Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:53 pm
by HighBrixMMJ | 29 Posts | 129 Points

There's no need for decarbing when making butter as it will be heated while cooking the butter and decarb on its own, it's not gonna hurt to pre decarb, but not necessary. I never decarb first and produce some amazing butter.

Disclaimer: Any and all info, pics, and discussions on this members threads, are purely fictional, and completely delusional, as I do not participate in illegal activities of any kind. Oh yeah, one more thing, DON'T DO DRUGS!!!
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RE: Determining The Potency of CannaButter

in Cannabis Cooking Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:09 pm
by Vegs | 17 Posts | 92 Points

Agreed. I use my butter for a lot of no-bake recipes so pre-decarbing is a must for me. Also, I don't bake my baked goods any higher than 250 degrees. Sure, the baked goods will become active while baking but I like to ensure maximum potency. However, when accurate dosage is needed I'll be making butter with bubblehash.

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