wow, its been a whole week (7 days) without a post / update
no pictures for now, nothing good to look @... some bad though
IC is out growing my VEG area FAST!! she's already taller than BS-1 was when I swapped her over to flower
unfortunately, BS-1 is only on day 42 so I just can't yank her out yet
another unfortunate thing is 3 or so days ago while I was trying to LST IC to keep the leafs off the bulbs, I broke one of the two main stems (right @ the TOP / split / crotch) 
it didn't fall-off completely but fell over "hinged" with little more than the outer skin still attached
I twist-tied the two stems "together" to support the broken stem so everything was held back in normal (pre-break) position.
I've, since, LSTed every stem OTHER than the broken one so it should be getting the "dominant" hormone and hopefully repairing the break ASAP