
I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:08 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


I want to get this out of the way fast and first.

IC stands for Immaculate Conception. I hope this does not offend anyone.

I intend no disrespect to anyone's anything by naming it those words.

The name was picked due to circumstances witch (oops, did I do it again?) will be spelled out further on in this journal.

I.C. is a White Siberian FEM (sorry) seed from Dinafem

+Indica / sativa Blend
Flowering period 50-65
Height (outdoors) 2.5 m

Genotype White Widow x AK 47


I think I'm just going to do a pictorial to catch up to where she is now

too many pics... can't see theses on the list to delete them

Attached pictures:

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Last edited Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:11 pm | Scroll up


RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:19 pm
by shortbus | 253 Posts | 1304 Points

what happened with the plants with the led? or is that the light playing tricks on my eyes?

EDIT: nvm i see the same plant's under the t5's in the pic above it.

were you having ph issue's when they were young?


Last edited Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:22 pm | Scroll up


RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:24 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points

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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:28 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


those were my first attempts @ cloning

I drowned them early on but they eventually recovered
(thanks Cubby)

I was just posting any picture with IC in it

In that LED picture you can just see her (sprout) off to the bottom right in the 4" Rock wool


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Last edited Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:31 pm | Scroll up


RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:39 pm
by shortbus | 253 Posts | 1304 Points

lookin good. green mojo. you still puttin that led to use? just for flower?


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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:44 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


keeping the LED over on the flower side

with all the great results from T5, I figure why fix what ain't broke

the virgin run, bag-seed, LED flowering is still in progress, I just thought I should separate the two grows


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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:54 pm
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

Nice looking plant there, looks real happy in the last picture.

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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:24 pm
by Rosebud | 499 Posts | 2113 Points

Greenest of mojo to your grow. Your plant is very cute.

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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Tue Feb 25, 2014 7:23 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


MC Fam, looking back on this thread I realize just how far y'all have brought me and just how much you taught me.

I started with

thisthisand this

and only 2 1/2 months later, I'm now @




that "powder mold" leaf picture...
I'm 95% sure that is the plant in flower right now ;)


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Last edited Tue Feb 25, 2014 7:27 pm | Scroll up


RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:17 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

95 %

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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:30 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points

that's as close to 100% as you'll get out of me... in writing ;)

I didn't have them labeled way back then but later I did make one note of: " best stem, P-mold leaf " and I will say (with total 95% confidence) that the plant in flower now had the best main stem of all 5

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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:09 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


so THAAAATS Indica... now I.C.

its like growing The Shaggy Dog

days 5 , +1.25 gal
Start 995/6.6
End 710/5.5

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Last edited Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:27 pm | Scroll up


RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:59 pm
by 7greeneyes | 469 Posts | 1830 Points

AK47 is such a great cannabis staple to have in your garden. Love it!

By the by, your ladies are lookin lush green and happy.

BHC# 711

"When injustice becomes law, then resistance becomes duty."
Thomas Jefferson

“I am not the lifestyle police.”- (my new hero) Pitkin County, CO Sheriff Joe DiSalvo

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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:26 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points

thank you

my mind has been blown...

5 days!! and it went from


I plan on cloning her 3-5 generations (for the next year+)
see if I can get the feel for "getting the feel of" a particular strain

I'm trying to hold off on TOPping her and get a little bit more of a base stem before the " \ Y / " (TOP)

these first side branches are already 80% as tall as the main, if I top, they are going to take over as dominant (height)
but I "know" these first LOW branches don't normally get kept... should I cut them (soon) anyway just to save the plant energy?

I'd love to cut for clones but I only have the room for one plant in flower so its pointless
(need a local friend to share with)

I could
TOP and start LST on first side branches
remove side branches
do nothing and decide later


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Last edited Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:29 pm | Scroll up


RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:53 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

looks killer
maybe steady the ph..nothing in the looks but 6.6 is high for hydro...like i said looks killer

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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:25 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points

thanks surfinc

ya, I was being lazy (again) and pushed it to 5 days between refills. it just shouldn't be done.

although it didn't need water (level), it needed balance
I should whip-up some 5.5 water to add every 2-3 days

I seem to notice a larger/faster ph swing in VEGing plants...
but since this is only my 2nd grow, I don't really have enough data to draw conclusions yet

my notes (explained)
start = when I first pull the tub; what it is before I refill it
end= after I fill and ph

so it started @ 5.5ph (ALWAYS) and drifted to 6.6 over 5 days


I'm glad I started with bag-seeds so I can compare this pedigree seed/plant to something "normal"


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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:32 am
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


I, once again, don't want these clones to survive.
Just trying out the clone bucket early so I can be ready when its time to clone for real.

Aeroponics clone bucket
shoots water streams against the side walls of the bucket about 2" below the stalk
the spray from that keeps everything wet inside


it sounds like the pipes froze, burst and the water is running everywhere

this thing is so loud... its too loud. It will draw attention @ this sound level.
makes me have to go pee too

I was debating on doing a FIM cut also but I thought that might be a little too much for one night

I'm either FIMing or TOPping the next node depending on how she reacts to this.


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Last edited Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:33 am | Scroll up


RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:28 am
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


proud mamma IC looks ready to EXPLODE!!
(in a GOOD way)

all three cuts went totally limp and laid down FLAT about 10 minutes after that last picture

6 hours later and 2 of 3 stood back up

lets see just how well aeroponic clones

I've got to figure out how to kill this water noise!!
the pump has a "throttle" that is @ 100% now
I know if I drop to about 75% it gets quieter but I'd much rather kill the noise not the flow.

already wrapped the bucket in 6+ layers of ductape and put ridged pink insulation between bucket and cabinet walls

top and bottom are acting like drum heads but its not easy/possible to deaden those surfaces


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Last edited Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:46 am | Scroll up


RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Wed Mar 05, 2014 12:07 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

the water splashing on inside acts as a drum? Is it the vibrations from the bucket that you hear or feel outside the room? maybe trying to dampen the bucket by putting sponges on the floor ? i have seen these suspended in a cradle with bungie cords in a magazine before also.. I will try to look up the picture ...was a simple frame that held the bucket just off ground and frame was resting on rubber to dampen all the vibrations...
might be tons of work for little gain IMO

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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:26 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


not so much a bass drum BOOM
more a surface that sort of amplifies the sound waves
well, imagine putting a water fountain inside a 5 gal bucket
IDK I'll have to make a video outside and opening the door... maybe later


I'd say the patient is recovering .... well

there are no roots yet
(yes, I peeked)
but the stems/stalks/leafs are ridged and strong
so far, so great I'd say


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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:42 pm
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

As long as they're standing up tall they will show roots just give them time

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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:47 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


they are doing that in spades :)

they have as long as I can stand the sound or till IC needs the space back

which ever comes first

then they die :(
damn, its such a shame to... sigh

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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:40 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

things look killer....i knew you could do it from the beginning!!!
well done...

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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:16 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


TOP / Kief-on-screen

just too cool to not post... the screen of a 4-part grinder

refill with 5.5

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RE: I. C. said the blind man

in Grow Journals Sat Mar 08, 2014 11:07 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

decapitation...head still floating around...great shot with the camera!!

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