Nice! I've got a .45-70 made by them. Great pumpkin roller.
When I was a young man, my brother gave me a Thompson Center 50 Hawken kit for Christmas. Nice shooting rifle. Ten years or so later, a friend gave m a .54 Renegade that he'd stored poorly and had rusted up pretty bad. Took me a month, but I had it looking new again. He wanted it back! A few years later, I found a .45 Hawken for a hundred bucks and snagged it up.
About ten years ago, a friend now deceased gave me a cheap little CVA inline .50 cal. Put a decent scope on it. What a tack driver! Liked it so much I spent about five times the money on a Remington 700 50 cal. ML with a Leupold scope, bases, and rings. Doesn't shoot a damn bit better.