Yes Grower13 he does. I know he is having a hard time with leaving. She is away at college so they don't see much of each other. She doesn't want him to go, but I don't think its fair to expect him to just wait around. She has 3 more years to go. If it is meant to be, they will connect then. He has decided to come out, but not drive my car out or take the dogs. He told me wanted to drive cross country, then felt like it would be overwhelming. So I took up the challenge, left Tuesday. Made Zanesville, OH first day. In St Louis tonight. The girls are being so good.
I did a cross counrty trip when I was his age, actually I was younger. The anti bicenntenial tour as we called it. 1976 2 of my friends and I rode motorcycles from the East Coast, to Alaska, then down the pacific coast to SoCal then across the Southwest all the way to FL then up the Eastcoast.