Quote: The Hemp Goddess wrote in post #4
Actually, the metric system is so much easier. I don't know who thought a measurement system based on weird numbers was a good idea, but it is not. If you have a number system based on 10, then your measurement systems should also be based on ten. The American way of measuring things is just
and confusing. How many feet in a mile is so much harder than how many meters in a kilometer.....
never thou8ght bout it that way but now you lay it out as such it does make alotta sense.
and the bit bout the whoel tape measure deal..... I actually bought a generic tape one time and it was one them metric ones, but still had inches /standard on one side but its main measurments were the metric and it drove me absolutely nuts tryin to get back to doin wat I was doin prior wit a standard tape. but after I did get used to it it was nice, only that tape went to crap and now I cant find a metric based tape anywhere now to replace the one I had.