
RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:36 pm
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

Well the grows going good. I germinated some more seeds, out of these 14 seeds 14 germinated. I'm very pleased that all the seeds I've germinated have become seedlings. Now I have to neuter them, brand them, and vaccinate them right? Anyways the new strains just germed are, 3 silver surfer hazes, 3 trinity kush, 3 Columbian gold, 3 Acapulco Gold, and2 jack Herer REG SEEDS for these guys. All seeds so far are fem except jack Herer. I've added a fan to the dark room, all else is going well. I'll probably try and flower some of the first seedlings in 5 weeks. And these new ones will follow them some way or another. Waiting for some of the clones to finish in about 5 weeks giving me new space for the seedling plants.

Last edited Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:39 pm | Scroll up


RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:15 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

looks like tons o fun

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RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:54 pm
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

yes surfinc it's fun. To bad it has such a bumb rap and it can't be grown more freely. I'm transplanting my first 15 seedlings to their final pot. Have 5 more to pot. Should finish before nights over. I need to buy more pots to plant other ones in. And some more dirt. I'm looking to invest in another light. A T4 or T5 about 8' long. I think that's what they're called. I've been working on gnats I guess that's what they look like. I put down some diatomaceous earth it helps some and i have fly strips. The Ipower grow light is looking good. No problems yet. Getting excited to see these seedlings grow up and get harvested.

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RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:28 am
by Rosebud | 499 Posts | 2113 Points

I grew Columbian Gold, it was a nice strain. Enjoy your grow! Mojo to ya!

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RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:44 am
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

Rosebud, how original the strain is I'm not sure. Sounds like they try to breed the closest to the original strain as possible. A friend asked for this strain along with Acapulco Gold so I'm just going along for the ride. Rose Bud did you irritate the stem by slicing some bark off or taking something sharp like a needle or blade and cutting into the stem? Supposedly this is suppose to bring out Columbia golds best effects?

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RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:10 pm
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

some pictures of seedlings.....some seeds were planted around Feb 14th. and then there's some clones that have been growing.

Last edited Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:11 pm | Scroll up


RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:41 am
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

Some unknown med strain...PICS....
Type of high.......mostly mental....amnesia type.......Not the high I'm looking for........but these clones turned out good.
I'm kinda looking for a clear high but strong....a happy high that would cause smiling and laughing,,,,and creative high......i know some of my varieties will fit into these categories ....like Silver Surfer Haze....Trinity Kush ....White Russian...
but here're some pics of the unknown clone strain...they are done and drying in the pot.....i dried some on my light and vaped it and i couldn't follow along with the online card game and decided to quit...i'm a light weight...

Last edited Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:42 am | Scroll up


RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Wed Mar 12, 2014 8:09 pm
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

need to log..... I put new plants into flower3/10/14.........2 missing....2 Blue Dream......3 white Russian.....3 Terperella.........and about 5 clones (unknown strain).
kept back 1 missing 1 Blue Dream 1 W. Russ. 1 Terp. for mother plants. The other plants..Silver Surfer Haze....Trinity Kush.....Alcup. gold Col. Gold, jack herer, Venemo.....will allow to grow larger and take cuttings off them and try to make them grow mainly for colas and that can be done while this other group grows. ok all logged in....

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RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:55 am
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

Pizza anyone? just trimmed up five of the unknown clones......I kept leaves,,,,,,for making some hash or butter or something. .....I don't think there's to much I can do with the stems except throw them away....the buds are about 4 inches higher than the box, so it's full.

. There's a little pizza oil on the lid part of the box but the rest of the box is completely clean, Don't want anyone to think I threw these buds on a bunch of left over pizza crumbs.....all's good, I'll put them in a different container right now just did this for the picture.

Last edited Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:56 am | Scroll up


RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:44 am
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

Nice, lots of toppings.[

Last edited Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:45 am | Scroll up


RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:18 am
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

Do you deliver? I'll take that pizza box anyday

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RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:31 am
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

The Seeds of these plants were put in the soil Feb 14th. They have been in flower sense 3-10-14........They been flowering for 13 days......I believe if the flowering is late it's due to waitting on plants to mature.....hope you enjoy......so far i'm happy with them.....Pic. #1 Missing Evas Seeds #2 White Russian #3 Blue Dream #4 Terperella #5 Another Blue Dream
I'm going to take a few more clones from the bottom off of them....already took a couple a few days ago dont want to stress them...

Last edited Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:37 am | Scroll up


RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Fri Mar 28, 2014 9:38 am
by ZiggyRoss | 37 Posts | 229 Points

Quote: jungle wrote in post #13
Here are some pictures of some clones a friend has been growing.....It's an unknown strain....seeds that came out of a medical marijuana bag from california...my guess is its some kind of white widow and maybe something else.......so I'll finish growing these....and it's clones,,,and we'll keep a mother.....and I'm going to start my automatics that just arrived and grow with them.... sorry if i'm putting you to sleep.....i'm a little long winded sometimes...heres some pictures along with my odor bucket I made from instructions here at the culture..

jungle what is the bucket with the fan for ?

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RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:10 am
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

The bucket is used for keeping the odor down. I don't really use it very much because I have an ozone generator I can use . Plus I'm trying to save on electricity. But the instructions for the bucket and how to make it came from marijuana passions web sight. I don't think it got transferred over here. The bucket has a mixture of soil moist, and Ono gel mixed with water. There is a fan with a motor and cord placed in the lid. When the unit is turned on it circulates an aroma that can keep the smell from the plants at bay. There are holes at the top of the bucket a which helps dispel the aroma.

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RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:47 pm
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

i think this camera takes better pictures outside.....but here are some clones i made up 3 days ago........part of what i call it is amnesia but maybe it should be called forgetfullness....that would go well with the missing.....so to speak...

these clones were cut off from flowering plants, i cleaned up the lower branches.....they have some small bud on them ...I guess I'm suppose to let them be or do i take them off sometime...anyone know?

and for my records i cloned some terps ,wh russ. missing, and blue dream.....the 25th.....total of 10 plants, plan to clone more of these strains in a few days.

Last edited Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:58 pm | Scroll up


RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Wed Apr 02, 2014 6:29 am
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

just discovered this plant...its a terperella....fem seed.....looks like it is a hermie? Anyone agree? It was growing nice to..

Last edited Wed Apr 02, 2014 6:30 am | Scroll up


RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:29 am
by Cubby | 1.267 Posts | 4795 Points

Quote: jungle wrote in post #41
just discovered this plant...its a terperella....fem seed.....looks like it is a hermie? Anyone agree? It was growing nice to..

Unfortunately your terperella is covered with pollensacks. I don't see any hairs in the pic (could be my eyes), it's either a hermie or a straight up male.
Don't you hate when a beautiful plant starts throwing balls?

MarP Class of 2007

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RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:29 am
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

your right cubby it appears to be a male.......I chopped it......cameras not very good. i think it's mainly an outside camera......when it takes clear pictures...inside not so good.......ugh...oh..Well......I could of sworn there were some hairs but looking more closely it looks like a male........I still have 3 Terps in flower......I don't see any pollen sacs yet and I still have 8 seeds I can plant when I need to. ......So I should get some eventually.....

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RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:24 am
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

Looks ALL Male to me as well...Nice looking one too though..I see Trichs on the leaf....May have been a Nice one if ya into collecting Pollen....But Best to pull like you did....Was this the Feminized line?

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RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:38 am
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

yes it was the feminine line......I'm not really set up for pollen.......I maybe could of taken it to a friends house so we could get the pollen....but yes Now that I think of it this plant was a nice growing one......might of been a good specimen for pollen....robust large male.......just not into that yet still establishing a lot of new things right now with different new strains....getting plants cloned and inline for there rotation.....someday maybe I can pollinate.....I'll keep it more in mind next time I have a male.....thank u

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RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Wed Apr 02, 2014 3:18 pm
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

this is a new clone, do i leave the flowers on and let it return to veg naturally or do i do something with the buds....? I've been leaving them alone.. THE UNKNOWN STRAIN......watch out its the unknown strain....ahhhhhhhrgghhugh... theses plants are dangerous.....

i saw the trichs just now 4 u2smoke.....on the male plant.....it could mean the females might be some dank weed..? ...now i suppose if there's tricks on the male a person could get high off it?

Last edited Wed Apr 02, 2014 3:27 pm | Scroll up


RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Wed Apr 02, 2014 3:30 pm
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

Quote: jungle wrote in post #45
yes it was the feminine line......I'm not really set up for pollen.......I maybe could of taken it to a friends house so we could get the pollen....but yes Now that I think of it this plant was a nice growing one......might of been a good specimen for pollen....robust large male.......just not into that yet still establishing a lot of new things right now with different new strains....getting plants cloned and inline for there rotation.....someday maybe I can pollinate.....I'll keep it more in mind next time I have a male.....thank u

After hearing its a Fem line I would not use it in a Breeding project...just not good practice...IMHO..a Fem line should not have Full Male flowers....Herm flowers yes..But that looks like a full out Nice Male...and in future for your notes..a male dont require the things females do...just a cfl in a friends closet( away from your virgins) ...small fan for air movement...Thanks for sharing with us

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RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Wed Apr 02, 2014 3:36 pm
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

...now i suppose if there's tricks on the male a person could get high off it?

I dont think so...they would be clear... But trichs on a Male is a trait that most look for when sollecting a Male for seed run...Not sure I would smoke the Males no matter how much trichs I think by the time they would amber they be covered in pollen..lol....

you did right by Kulling it...and I say watch the others close....pics and a lot of them will help

Light travels faster then sound....... This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak

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RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Wed Apr 02, 2014 6:55 pm
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

the only reg seeds i have that arn't fems is 2 jack herers ans 2 trinity kushes....might be able to try something with these 2 strains if i get some males and females....thanks for your help

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RE: new epic growing adventure ( jungle)

in Grow Journals Mon May 19, 2014 9:54 pm
by jungle | 100 Posts | 352 Points

here are some pictures.....of one of the blue dream plants...I have 3 blue dream plants.....this one is unusual......it grew brown hairs way earlier than tyhe other two and this ones leaves are turning purple where the other ones arn't...............[[File:IMG_0235.JPG|none|auto]]..... It may get picked in 2 to 3 weeks.....not a large producer as far as I can tell.....I'm probably going to keep this one and re veg it after its harvested. my camera isn't very good for inside pics sorry for poor quality....

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