Quote: The Hemp Goddess wrote in post #4
Good to see you found your way over bbr.
It is a good idea to start your seedlings off with fluoros--the MH do put off some heat.
LOL--I was going to tease you about the sideways pics--something like "How do you get your pots to stay sideways", but you pre-empted that.
I'm looking forward to being able to follow your grow.
and i would have said with crazy glue!!!!!

and the red cups you see are a new batch of seeds. just a day old.
for some reason the rock wool didn't produce like it should.
coulda been several different things. so i tore 5 blocks apart.
seeds where half way down the hole,and a dark color. still firm.
i did find one that cracked and had a tap root and small area of green.
i transplanted it into sunshine#4 in a cup. its so small. and its seams to have lived so far.
i had it just below the soil. and i noticed its at the top now. maybe it will live,
maybe not.this indoor growing is so out of my norm lol