
A few site related questions

in Site problems Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:18 am
by ArtVandolay | 44 Posts | 257 Points

What's wrong with the syntax in my signature? The quotes don't appear in quote ballons like it did at MP and like quoting within a thread?

Relatedly, I looked for (but couldn't find) the user manual for Xobor so I can answer my own questions such as the one above?

One of the things I really liked about vBulletin was that it displayed the first post in a thread when you put the cursor over the thread title (without clicking anything). Can Xobor do that?


[quote = aplaisia]...As for Art and NV... I figured we would have comments such as this.
It is so unfortunate. [/quote]

Hear me now and believe me later!

[quote=old money]Art you have 2868 posts, most words that be long else where. Get a girl friend or a boy. You sure waste time and words. Now I see you are righting untruths. What a shame for the people who really don't know. About male female plants... Wow 2868 post what a waste. [/quote]
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RE: A few site related questions

in Site problems Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:28 am
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

this is bata base and not vbullet..way diffrent and the commands are way diffrent...ozzy will chime in with more info bro

Light travels faster then sound....... This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak
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RE: A few site related questions

in Site problems Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:40 am
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

On your sig the ppl you are quoting were never members here so the system does not recognize them.

On the bottom of the screen beside Member/Who's online? is a FAQ link for the info I think you're looking for on Xobor manual

They are planning to add the "first post balloon" in a future update of the system

the smiley that appears in your sig is my way of editing a few of words that I and the others don't like to read. We're aiming for a mature adult site without all the cussing you see other places

I know s t u p i d is not a cuss word but I have always hate to hear or read someone telling someone they were, IMO we all goof balls so y'all going to just have to put up with that pet pev of mine

Let's help each other, by spreading our knowledge of the plants we love

Cannabis grown with care grows into medicine somewhere!

Last edited Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:43 am | Scroll up


RE: A few site related questions

in Site problems Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:46 am
by BudGrower | 547 Posts | 1925 Points

Quote: ozzydiodude wrote in post #3

I know s t u p i d is not a cuss word but I have always hate to hear or read someone telling someone they were, IMO we all goof balls so y'all going to just have to put up with that pet pev of mine

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RE: A few site related questions

in Site problems Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:47 pm
by shortbus | 253 Posts | 1304 Points

the reason vbulletin allows you to "quote" a specific member of the forum by adding =username to

 [quote] [/quote] 

is because their php. pulls the username from the member database. while this forum is coded to pull the username info from the specific post that you hit the "quote" button on.

with that said, you'll notice that if you use the


option in the icon bar on the reply page. it never gives you the option of specifying who made the quote. the "quoter" is set to a default name "zitat" which is german for "quote"


hear me now, believe me later

i'm looking into a solution for the problem myself. if i find a solution you'll be the first to know.

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RE: A few site related questions

in Site problems Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:51 pm
by P J | 72 Posts | 488 Points

Figure this was a good a place as any to ask. Where are the site rules? Every link I click is dead. I have several strains I'd like to offer up to someone less fortunate that I would like to see grown out in a thread if that is doable.

If not, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Seeds? I have no stinking seeds!

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RE: A few site related questions

in Site problems Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:55 pm
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

Hello PJ...we decided to make this an open forrum and have yet to have trading available..heres a link to the rules though

we sure are glad to have you and would love you to share what you know on LEDs...Are you the same PJ Jammers?

Light travels faster then sound....... This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak

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RE: A few site related questions

in Site problems Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:37 pm
by P J | 72 Posts | 488 Points

Quote: 4u2sm0ke wrote in post #7
Hello PJ...we decided to make this an open forrum and have yet to have trading available..heres a link to the rules though

we sure are glad to have you and would love you to share what you know on LEDs...Are you the same PJ Jammers?

Interesting, that link you gave me is also dead on this browser. I am using firefox BTW.

Yes, I am one of the same and only used P Jammers cause I had already used the other name in the past pre crash and could not get it back after the fact.

Thanks for having me.

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RE: A few site related questions

in Site problems Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:44 pm
by Rosebud | 499 Posts | 2113 Points

We are glad you are here. But you will always be Peter Jennings to me.

To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded.”
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RE: A few site related questions

in Site problems Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:07 pm
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

I run firefox as well..Maybe Shortbus can help here ...I dont know didley about this crap...

I will say that the rules are somewhat off of MP...let me post them here for ya bro

With many thousands of people from many, many cultures and countries from around the world all in a group such as this one, it's necessary to have some very basic rules.

The purpose of the rules is not to restrict anyone's rights or make it so that they can't express themselves, but only to make sure that the more obvious manner of insults, flaming, and use of foul language are not problems here.

If you have any doubt about what is allowed or not, please PM any of the Moderators, Ozzydiodude, or 4u2smoke, if you would be more comfortable speaking with them, and present what you would like to do BEFORE you do it. If this is done, it will make every one's time here more enjoyable.

Please remember that the open and real-time nature of Marijuana Culture Forums makes it is impossible for us to vouch for the validity of any content posted. As such, we are not responsible for any messages posted nor the consequences of following any advice offered within Forum posts. The views expressed in the post, you will find in these forums belong solely to their respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Marijuana Culture, its affiliates, and/or donors. If you find any posts in these Forums to be offensive or objectionable, please contact us via email to the address offered as a contact for the Forums or use the 'report this post' button in the discussion forums. If we determine that removal of a post or posts is necessary, we will make all reasonable efforts to do so in a timely manner.

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1.This is the most simple of rules. Please construct your post or chats to reflect what you're trying to say, but without the use of vulgar language, repeated occurrences of this type may cause more severe reaction by the Moderators who are entrusted to keep the peace here.

Simply put, cussing is not necessary and should not be used. If you feel like cussing in a private message to another member who is tolerant of it, then that's fine. The use of cussing in the open forums or chat rooms is not acceptable as polite conversation. Please just talk without using profanity.

2.Flaming, or open argument including, but not limited to using derogatory names toward another member, degrading comments, racial insults and sexist comments are not acceptable for use anywhere in the open forums.

3.The use of Avatars or signature lines that could be offensive to others is not acceptable. Pictures of inappropriate content can be deleted by the site staff without warning. Please, just be polite and considerate of all the other members. Picture yourself in a giant auditorium full of thousands of people from across the world. Don't do anything here that would be offensive if you put it on a giant screen in front of all the people in that auditorium. Common sense should be applied when thinking of this rule.

4.The discussion of illegal drugs other than Marijuana is not allowed in any form whatever. This site is for the discussion of Marijuana. Other sites are available for other topics. If you wish to discuss other drugs, then please do so at another site.

5.Bashing of anyone or any group is not considered polite. Please don't do that here. We're here to get away from that type of thing, not to participate in it.

6. The copying of copyrighted material from other sites and sources should be done in moderation. Small amounts of data or material is ok to reference, but please post a link to the source of the data or material so that others do not consider your usage as "stealing".

7.Please, for your own protection, do not post pictures or information about yourself or your life that would make it possible for the police to use against you or the site. No real life photos of yourself or family and friends. Anyone in the world can come to our site and look at anything you post. Be safe. Be free. Stay free.

8.The sale of marijuana or the discussion of sales is not allowed here. The purchase or sale of any items through this site is not allowed. To purchase or sell something, you must first let this total stranger know exactly who you are and where you live. That just isn't smart.

9. Trading seeds among members is A private affair NOT ALLOWED IN OPEN PUBLIC FORUMS

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By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violation of any laws.

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This site was created as a refuge for those who dislike the tension and aggravation of other sites that allow the things we don't. We have a very friendly, caring and helpful membership here. Please help us to keep it that way.

Thank you,
all of the Moderators of Marijuana Culture

Light travels faster then sound....... This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak

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RE: A few site related questions

in Site problems Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:19 pm
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

I'll check into the setting on the server on the forum rules.

Let's help each other, by spreading our knowledge of the plants we love

Cannabis grown with care grows into medicine somewhere!
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RE: A few site related questions

in Site problems Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:46 pm
by shortbus | 253 Posts | 1304 Points

check to see if you are running firefox version 23.1 or version 24. i was reading up on the xobor support forums that there are some issues with xobor and firefox 23.1. if you infact do have v 23.1 trying running your automatic update on firefox to get v24. from what i've seen, thats the fix. i'll keep looking though

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