Quote: smokingranpa wrote in post #35
Wow, thanks cubby for all that info. My grow room is about the same size but I am doing bubble boys so I have to change out the entire bucket of water every 7 to 10 days. Love the recirculating idea and if this grow goes well I plan to convert, you are providing a lot of good info here. Much thanks and much mojo.
Thanks for looking in SG. The grow was a success, everything is harvested, dried, and curing. I like the bucket system except for one thing...access. Once the plants get some size to them it's too difficult to get to the ones in the rear of the room. If I had grown in rows of 2 it would have been more easily manageable.
I'm currently brainstorming my next growroom remodel. I'm leaning towards expanding the room by 10 feet, and going with a 4x8 table.........but who knows. My grows are always a work in progress.