Sweet!! I saw you got some new stuff for freebies and stuff, thats cool!! Here is another pic of the frosted buckeye and also the master herijuana og - thinking of calling it the class of 81 (want to name it TJB, after my best friend tim who died when we were 17, senior year in high school- we used to get so freaking stoned out by his parents house he physically couldn't function - ride a bike, even talk sometimes, lol! something about me and him together, it was like smoke till we finish the bag, period!! We melted a metal and plastic pipe smoking an oz of columbian gold one night, or trying to anyway - ended up going to taco bells drive thru and ordering 2 burrito supremes a piece, then driving down the street 2 blocks to del taco because those were already gone and we were hungry again, then to the donut shop to eat cinnamon rolls and play asteroids!!! Ahh yes, those were the days, lmao!!) I had to include this in the story about tim - EVERY time we got high and went to the store, he told me " i want a weeses and a wocky woad" - every single time!! God he was a righteous friend - he dumped over my cousins 4x8 plywood sheet fully covered with 6 oz coffee cups filled with potting soil and seedlings, hmmmmmm - he went 100 over the top of this hill in town and caught air halfway down the other side, hit so hard it flattened the bottom of his headers and stripped the nuts off the header bolts, fire was shooting from under the hood from the valves being right there, that was one crazy dude and a heck of a driver.
Frosted Buckeye at 4 weeks

Master Herijuana OG

Mary Janes Skunk from Insane Seed Posse

all these are right at 4 weeks into flower, really happy so far!!!