
10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:16 am
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make....
Found at weedfarmer .com

1. Don't Over water
Over watering kills cannabis plants. Water once the top few inches of the soil dry out.
Hydroponics is harder to over water because rockwool has such excellent drainage properties. As long as the rockwool cubes are not sitting in liquid it is virtually impossible to over water a hydroponic setup. A hydroponic setup could either be watered constantly as the drip method, or once to three times a day as in the flood and drain method.

2. Don't Tell People

Why? They will only be jealous. People love to feel important and that is why they will tell other people; because others will listen to them.
Keep it to yourself.

3. Touch/kill Germinating Seeds

Please have some patience. It sometimes takes 10 days for a seed to sprout. The paper towel method is not recommended because you must handle the seeds when transferring them from the paper towel to your growing medium.

4. Grow seeds from seeded cannabis

One of the greatest disappointments known to the growing man.
90% of what the final product will be is in the seed's genetics and has little to do with the environment the plant is grown in.
Many get their hands on the seed and think they have a gold mine. They will probably grow something like this: hermaphrodites, tall late flowering females coupled with early flowering males. This is because the only pollen that could have produced the seed was from a hermaphrodite or a very stunted and late flowering male the grower did not notice. Unless you are prepared for possible disappointment don't use "unknown" seeds. This is why people buy seeds from seedbanks.

5. Don't Over fertilize.

Fertilize after first 2 spiked leaves appear follow the label. DON'T FERTILIZE EVERY TIME YOU WATER!!!
Start with 25% and work your way up!
Leach the plants with lots of pure water every 2-4 weeks. Organic growing is recommended. Its tastes better and burns much better.
If the leaves suddenly twist or fold under, Leach and Spray with pure water for several days!

6. Don't Under fertilize

Under fertilizing is less common but it happens. If you are one of those people that likes to give the plant just enough nutrients make sure you use a organic soil mixture with blood meal and bone meal or some slow release fertilizer with micro nutrients.

7. Don't Start with Clones. (I personally don't agree with this, I use clones and cuttings)

Start with seeds. Bugs are a pain, So are plant diseases. Many growers are able to grow indoors without pest problems for years. If they do get pests they are probably not enjoying the change from their usual diet to cannabis resin! But as soon as you come in contact with others grow material (cuttings) it is almost guaranteed that its from a long time grower that has many different pests all eating cannabis and bug spray (and surviving) for hundreds of generations!... Think about it.

8. Don't Start Too Early Inside or Outdoors

For several reasons! If you are starting outdoors June 1 is perfect. But if I start earlier I will get bigger buds right? Probably Wrong!
Its strange but usually true. ill explain. Plants started in early spring will get big but they will take significantly longer to start flowering. This is because at the peak vegetative period they sense the light cycles getting longer and longer, until June 21. But they don't realize that its time to flower yet. Finally in the middle of August the plant says "HEY" "time to flower already" and it produces buds in August and September or later they will be tall as trees but thinner buds due to the fact that the sun is not as strong in September. Now if the ganja plants were put out later, as soon as they get a foot off the ground they say "what's going on" I am just in early veggie and the light hours aren't getting longer in fact SHORTER" Then the plants go crazy and since the sun is so bright in July and August you get amazing 6 foot trees that are heavier than the plants started in April!!! in addition to finishing earlier the late started plants are not nearly as noticeable.

Indoors is the same for different reasons. The light cannot penetrate more than a foot or two. So flower when plants are a foot tall. If you wait longer because you want bigger yields, you will get smaller yields and wait longer for them.

9. Don't Provide A Bad Environment.

Always provide air circulation and fresh air even during the night cycle is fine. All the air indoors should be replaced every 5-10 minutes.
Humidity between 30-70% temp aim for around 75-85' Even seedlings need a gentle fan to strengthen the stems.

10. Don't Harvest Too Early.

I know its hard. You see the buds and resin forming at a rapid rate. The buds are potent and you feel tempted to chop em down! The only problem is that another 25% of the weight will form in 2 more weeks. Wait until the plants have totally stopped growing and the white pistils are at least 50-75% brown.
*NOTE: Outdoors if security is a factor make your own call on when to sacrifice the fields. Also take buds continuously in case of thieves.


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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:34 am
by 4u2sm0ke • Marijuana is good | 2.333 Posts | 10572 Points

theres a few I dissagree with....

take care and be safe
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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:37 am
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

I disagree with a few of them too that why I posted this was to get new up to date list

Let's help each other, by spreading our knowledge of the plants we love
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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Tue Dec 03, 2013 6:54 am
by umbra | 780 Posts | 4085 Points

Honestly, it covers most problems...about a year or 2 of experience right there

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:50 am
by Dr Green Fang | 142 Posts | 864 Points

Ok, I'm going to get in depth a little with what I do not agree with:

- 1. Don't Over water
Over watering kills cannabis plants. Water once the top few inches of the soil dry out.
Hydroponics is harder to over water because rockwool has such excellent drainage properties. As long as the rockwool cubes are not sitting in liquid it is virtually impossible to over water a hydroponic setup. A hydroponic setup could either be watered constantly as the drip method, or once to three times a day as in the flood and drain method.

Thoughts: Not everyone that does hydro methods even uses Rockwool. I use coco and perlite then transplant that into Hydroton. The hydroton holds all the coco and perlite in. Currently, I wrap my coco and perlite center that I place into Hydroton, in Smart Pots to ensure that I lose no random bits into the solution. But there's many ways to do hydro without using Rockwool. Rapid Rooters are another example. Heck, this run I'm not even using Hydroton! I'm using straight COCO + Perlite with some Sunshine in a smart pot, then dropped into a home made mesh pot.

-3. Touch/kill Germinating Seeds
Please have some patience. It sometimes takes 10 days for a seed to sprout. The paper towel method is not recommended because you must handle the seeds when transferring them from the paper towel to your growing medium.

Thoughts: I use nothing but the paper towel method, and have yet to lose a seedling. Matter of fact, I tried the soak method and drowned a few beans that way. I use sterilized tweezers to pick up my seedling by the shell, and place it (root down for me) into my medium. I think paper towel method, with a bit of heat and COVERED is fool proof, but maybe that's just me :)

5. Don't Over fertilize.
-Fertilize after first 2 spiked leaves appear follow the label. DON'T FERTILIZE EVERY TIME YOU WATER!!!
Start with 25% and work your way up!
Leach the plants with lots of pure water every 2-4 weeks. Organic growing is recommended. Its tastes better and burns much better.
If the leaves suddenly twist or fold under, Leach and Spray with pure water for several days!

Thoughts: No no no lol.. I think you fert when the first two round leaves that come up (Cotyledons) start to yellow off!! These two leaves provide all the nutes the little plant needs till ferts. I've started my second set of true leaves and even third set before the 2 Cotyledons even came close to yellowing. If I nuted them at first two spiked leaves, I think I would have a great chance of burn.. and really there's no need, with healthy Cotyledons.

8 - ....I don't really understand this for Indoors, as no "correct time" exists.

10. Don't Harvest Too Early.
-I know its hard. You see the buds and resin forming at a rapid rate. The buds are potent and you feel tempted to chop em down! The only problem is that another 25% of the weight will form in 2 more weeks. Wait until the plants have totally stopped growing and the white pistils are at least 50-75% brown.

Thoughts: Most of us know the hairs have literally nothing to do with it. My Pineapple Chunk was at 12 weeks flowering with almost ALL white hairs and 20% amber trichs. It's all in the trichs, and nothing to do with the hairs.... now... with that said, I too like to TRY to wait for some brown hairing to go on heh. But overall, get a 30x or better jewelers loupe and inspect the trichs away from the HPS lighting as the end flowering days are coming. It's all personal preference too! Just make sure you wait for at LEAST 100% all cloudy. Most like to aim for 10%-50% amber. Cloudy = heady / Amber = Couch Lock. I personally wait for about 10% - 20% amber. :)

@ OP: Obviously I'm not trying to hurt the thread at all, but these are some pretty major things I saw and thought whilst reading. :)

Last edited Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:51 am | Scroll up


RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Tue Dec 03, 2013 6:02 pm
by Weedhopper | 1.210 Posts | 4031 Points
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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:15 pm
by Zem | 11 Posts | 104 Points

IMO organic tastes better only if you like the added taste of animal poo and dirt. nothing surpasses taste and potency of a good hydro bud IMO

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Fri Dec 20, 2013 10:23 pm
by The Hemp Goddess | 281 Posts | 1083 Points

Don't start a grow without adequate knowledge of what it takes to grow...the biology of the plant, nutrient needs, lighting needs, etc.

Don't have unrealistic expectations.

Some of the original suggestions are simply outdated and need to be updated. I agree with not using the paper towel method unless seeds are old. There is absolutely no reason to put fresh seeds in paper towels or soak them. Every time you handle a seed you risk damaging it or transferring disease or pathogens.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History--Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Sat Dec 21, 2013 9:41 am
by Rosebud | 499 Posts | 2113 Points

Quote: Zem wrote in post #7
IMO organic tastes better only if you like the added taste of animal poo and dirt. nothing surpasses taste and potency of a good hydro bud IMO

Hi Zem, couldn't disagree with you more. lol.... I am an organic dirt farmer and there is no animal poop in my home made soil... AND, it tastes better then your hydro bud anyday. LOL I guess to really find out, you would have to grow organic and I would have to grow hydro, and I think we both know that isn't happening...so...until we can share our smoke we will agree to disagree. Green mojo to you and your hydro, i bet you grow great dank.

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:17 am
by pcduck (deleted)

Lack of patience

Obtinuit vermis?

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Sat Dec 21, 2013 11:42 am
by The Hemp Goddess | 281 Posts | 1083 Points

Okay Zem and Rosebud....I grow both hydro and organic......so I will add my 2 cents.

It is my experience that after a proper dry and cure, it is impossible to tell whether bud was grown organically or hydro. I think that the end result depends much more on the care it was given during growing and whether it was properly dried and cured then whether it was grown organically or hydro.

I do like growing organic (believe that it is healthier) and grow all my veggies organically, but just cannot do it when winter arrives.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History--Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Sat Dec 21, 2013 1:06 pm
by 420benny | 189 Posts | 599 Points

I have had nearly 100% success using the paper towel method. I use tweezers to handle the seeds. I also use a CD case and set it vertically with the pointed ends of the seeds aimed down on my heat mat, so gravity makes the tap root grow straight and down. Just take the seed with tap root out before the fine roots emerge tangling the seedling to the paper towels. 1/2" to 3/4"works well.I first soak the seeds in plain water for 12 hours before putting them in the towels.

BennyLand Fine Seeds, colorful dank grown organically with love and laughter
RIP POPS...The Dirty Dozen Crew.

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Sat Dec 21, 2013 2:08 pm
by umbra | 780 Posts | 4085 Points

I use paper towel method as well, I handle the seeds as little as possible...but I use water with 5% H2O2. It kills pathogens and microbes but does not affect the germination of the seeds

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:10 pm
by Zem | 11 Posts | 104 Points

Quote: The Hemp Goddess wrote in post #11
Okay Zem and Rosebud....I grow both hydro and organic......so I will add my 2 cents.

It is my experience that after a proper dry and cure, it is impossible to tell whether bud was grown organically or hydro. I think that the end result depends much more on the care it was given during growing and whether it was properly dried and cured then whether it was grown organically or hydro.

I do like growing organic (believe that it is healthier) and grow all my veggies organically, but just cannot do it when winter arrives.

Hey there THG, why do you think organic is healthier? that is if you let aside pesticides, why is organic healthier? I feed chemicals, but my buds are 100% free of pesticides.

To Rosebud, I was kidding about the animal poo, just that I am seeing this organic market growing fast with baseless claims, ripping off people with crazy priced veggies, and if we were to abolish chemical fertilizing we will witness widespread famine and billions will have no food, I doubt it will be called healthier then. Anyway, you surely cannot call growing using chemicals a "growers' mistake"

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Sat Dec 21, 2013 4:12 pm
by Rosebud | 499 Posts | 2113 Points

Hey Zem, i thought after I posted that, I lied. I do use worm castings and guano's so I am sorry. I meant I don't use any blood or manures. I grew up on a farm and was surrounded by pesticides and herbicides my whole childhood. That didn't work out so good for us kids that are now adults. That is why i have been organic for over 15 years in my gardens. Peace to you and I am sure your grow some great dank. Have you had your grow tested for chemicals? Very cool.

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Sat Dec 21, 2013 6:09 pm
by Zem | 11 Posts | 104 Points

Quote: Rosebud wrote in post #15
Hey Zem, i thought after I posted that, I lied. I do use worm castings and guano's so I am sorry. I meant I don't use any blood or manures. I grew up on a farm and was surrounded by pesticides and herbicides my whole childhood. That didn't work out so good for us kids that are now adults. That is why i have been organic for over 15 years in my gardens. Peace to you and I am sure your grow some great dank. Have you had your grow tested for chemicals? Very cool.

No I never had my bud tested, but I use no pesticides at all on my plants all through flowering. sometimes I go the entire grow with no pesticides at all, other times I do 1 application before I switch into flowering. that is why I said that my buds are pesticide free 100% but my fertilizers are raw chemicals, some of which are labeled "organic". I use the calcium nitrate, potassium nitrate, monopotassium phosphate, magnesium sulfate used as epsom salt, phosphoric acid food grade which is added to drinking water for Ph balance, H2O2 35%.food grade, and a trace element mix made of EDTPA Fe (Iron). EDTPA is considered very safe, potassium nitrate is used for food, is inorganic but natural. there's an interesting reading, a comparison between organic and inorganic fertilizers hxxp://www.newenglandisa.org/FunkHandout...Fertilizers.pdf
thank you I bet your organic bud is very special too, I grow what goes for me, I always want it less "dank" can't stand the powerful rush if you know what I mean, I got me a little 6 months angel baby girl now, I gota stay sharp, I have an old mid summer stash that was affected by high heat gave much less potent bud with lovely smooth taste, and I have a new DANK stash, I try to stay away from the new stash I will try to get my hand on something like "Big Bud" or whatever, something that gives a very mild high, but for now, I have no way to buy seeds, I have to stay with the dank strains which are the only ones I ever invested in when I could... uhhh poor me

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Sat Dec 21, 2013 7:10 pm
by Rosebud | 499 Posts | 2113 Points

Thanks for your reply Zem, I enjoyed reading it. I too had a hot summer grow that gave me a less potent then the usual indoor grow. No one seems to notice it but me.. I can't wait for my hard hitting indoor grow to be ready. Enjoy your new baby girl. Give her a little squeeze from me. Good discussion, thanks.

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:47 pm
by Hushpuppy | 77 Posts | 323 Points

Hey guys; I have grown mostly hydro and "synthetic" but I have done some organic. Its funny because I have some folks that love the organic flavor but will take the synthetic when there is no organic to be had. I also have friends who love the synthetic flavor better than the organic flavor, they say the organic is too "earthy, and pungent" tasting. They like the "cleaner" taste of the synthetic.

I personally prefer the organic flavors when smoking the fruity strains. I had some Pineapple chunk that a buddy grew organic and the first hit off it tasted like I bit into a fresh pineapple. And his Blue Mystic tasted like maple syrup. I am not exaggerating about either one.

Let me tell you about POO. Once when I was young, we moved into a house in the country that had a cherry tree growing beside it. It was winter when we moved in and the owner said the tree hadn't produced a single cherry in a couple years. That summer, the tree produced a bumper crop of some of the biggest and sweetest cherries ever. We had cherry preserves and cherry everything and the birds had all that they could eat. The owner said he had never seen it produce such big, juicy, sweet cherries............. We found out later that the tree was growing right beside the septic tank and its roots were growing right into the tank itself. After we moved out, the tree quit producing cherries and never produced again before it died.

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Sun Dec 22, 2013 12:36 am
by gerber | 7 Posts | 129 Points

When doing organics, find a way to keep the soil moist at all times. You can use a leaf mulch or automatic irrigation to keep the water in. Your plants and the microbes that support them will appreciate it.

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:19 am
by Rosebud | 499 Posts | 2113 Points

Sorry to disagree gerber, but our plants love a dry spell. I would never keep the soil moist all the time. I think that would invite trouble.

Hush, on the farm i grew up on, every year dad would take his manure spreader and put it all over the yard...it was gross... He just let it lay there... Ihated that, but...Beautiful fruit trees and lovely grass always happened... It wasn't all glorious however, he used DDT too.

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Wed Jan 01, 2014 3:36 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

i read above about the cure....its the point ..not how grown if done well.....

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:36 am
by BudGrower | 547 Posts | 1925 Points

Quote: Rosebud wrote in post #15
Hey Zem, i thought after I posted that, I lied. I do use worm castings and guano's so I am sorry. I meant I don't use any blood or manures. I grew up on a farm and was surrounded by pesticides and herbicides my whole childhood. That didn't work out so good for us kids that are now adults. That is why i have been organic for over 15 years in my gardens. Peace to you and I am sure your grow some great dank. Have you had your grow tested for chemicals? Very cool.

hhhhhhhhh i like u

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:21 pm
by ZiggyRoss | 37 Posts | 229 Points

You can get the manure taste in the bud. When I was young I had a friend grow some in an old pig pen. The plants were awesome and huge. But you could not even take more then a hit unless you enjoyed the taste of pig manure.

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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Mon May 12, 2014 12:12 am
by Ston-loc | 376 Posts | 1601 Points

Rose, its sad how much our soil has been polluted. Working construction, now almost every site I go to we have to sign a release that we were notified of the DDT, arsenic, lead, etc that has been found in the soil... Working underground wearing tyvec suits in 90 degree summer heat is no bueno!

2012 Outdoor Satori Grow

2013 Outdoor Grow
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RE: 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make.

in Beginners Starting out Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:21 pm
by KindbuD | 152 Posts | 804 Points

i always start my outdoor plants before june i dont agree with that at all its wrong

Keep On Growing
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