
RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:28 pm
by Tangerine Dream | 40 Posts | 154 Points

hi MR1 thanks for the reply. the airstone was running in the pic but i turned it low when taking the pic. Im happy you think they look better I hope to have the coming along stronger once the Hydrogen Peroxide has been getting added in there.

hi Toadley Stone thanks for the reply. The air rings were from a pet fish shop close to me they cost me £1.20 each. I went for them due to having bad luck with the blue air stone balls.

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:15 pm
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

I just want to make sure you are getting enough oxygen diffused into your water. Have you seen the thread on airstones in the hydroponics section?

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:35 pm
by Hushpuppy | 77 Posts | 323 Points

Your plants appear to be doing fine. I wouldn't be overly concerned about the color of the roots unless they begin to look slimy as the nutrient will discolor them some. I have grown in hydro for several years and have never used hydrogen peroxide. I did keep it on hand for preventing slime in the water, but with the water changes being fairly regular, I never needed it. It won't hurt to use a small amount but be careful to not over-do it as it can burn the roots if it is too strong.

It will be important for you to maintain your temps in the solution so that it stays very close to 20c to keep the plants happy. I personally would also raise the air temp if possible to around 24-26c as they seem the happiest at that temp.
You will find that the pH will drift over several days as the plants grow and take in nutrients. This is normal and it is (in my opinion) good for them to allow the pH to drift in the range off 5.4-6.3 but don't let it stay at either end of the range for more than a day or two as they aren't able to take in nutrients when the pH is that far out. You will find a rhythm with this where you will set the solution at a point on one end of the pH range and allow it to go for a set number of days before checking and adjusting the pH back to the start again. Early on in veg growth, the pH won't drift as fast because the plants aren't taking in as much solution but once they go into flowering, you will see everything speed up.

I highly recommend that you get a book or one of the large desk calendars and write down everything you do and when so that you can keep up with it. Keep a record of the pH and temps and ppm/ml of nutrients. You will need it later to go back and look at what you did before some problem began or to see how you did something "the last time". I wish you best of luck, and I would like to welcome you to your new addiction because once you start growing your own, especially when you have the first successful harvest, you will not be able to quit

Doctor Madbud
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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:15 am
by Tangerine Dream | 40 Posts | 154 Points

Thanks for the reply MR1 ill make a quick 10second type video on my phone showing the bubbles that im getting so you can see what its like when on.
I also have not seen the thread on airstones in the hydro section so ill drop by that in a mo. Thanks

Hi Hushpuppy thanks for the reply. Im always happy when people say the plants look fine as a first grower I dont know all the things to look for so its nice having a home here with people who reply and help out a newbie like me.

Thanks again to everyone who has posted


Tangerine Dream

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:45 am
by Hushpuppy | 77 Posts | 323 Points

We were all noobs once and know the learning curve can be frustrating and scary, but fun and enlightening at the same time when there is help to back you up.

Doctor Madbud
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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Sat Feb 22, 2014 5:01 pm
by Tangerine Dream | 40 Posts | 154 Points

Quote: MR1 wrote in post #27
I just want to make sure you are getting enough oxygen diffused into your water. Have you seen the thread on airstones in the hydroponics section?

After looking at this he has alot of bubbles and puts me to shame i think im going to need a second pump as im using one pump between the two 10L buckets and after seeing that i think im gona have to put both air rings into the one bucket to get better diffusion as i dont think ive got enough bubbles from my video what do you guys think?


sorry for the Low-quality

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Sat Feb 22, 2014 5:09 pm
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

Yeah man, the more bubbles the better. The more oygen the roots get the faster the plant will grow. I notice my plants are happiest just before they need watering and then a day or two later they start to wilt and need to be watered. I am still in soil.

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:07 am
by Tangerine Dream | 40 Posts | 154 Points

Thanks for the reply MR1 do you also know how safe is it to put cotton wall in the air pump to lower the noise? as far as i can tell there is just a magnet in the pump driving 2 other magnets backwards and forwards

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:32 am
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

IMO the cotton wall would add heat to the linear motor, a fire hazard. Most are designed for the air to flow around the "motor" to reduce heat build up.. The stick on limbsavers for bow hunting are one of the best vibration dampener I have found to reduce noise in motors.

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:04 pm
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

If you have a piece of sponge for it to sit on that helps, but make sure the air intake for the pump is not blocked. Also don't place your pump on a hollow surface, like the lid of a 5 gal. bucket, that will magnify the sound.

Last edited Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:07 pm | Scroll up


RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:14 pm
by Tangerine Dream | 40 Posts | 154 Points

Thanks for the info guys

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:45 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


water temperature plays a part too

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:19 pm
by Tangerine Dream | 40 Posts | 154 Points

Hi Justa420Friend thanks for the info. Temps are never a problem for me its always around 19c but its nice to know how the oxygen works under different heats

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:58 am
by Tangerine Dream | 40 Posts | 154 Points

Ok doing a small update again with a few pics

changed the res today and added some food grade hydrogen peroxide 35% i added 5ml for my 10L tank which i filled with 6L of water i aired the tank for 30mins with a clean air stone and then made the water 5ph before adding the nutes the water before this was 234ppm once done i added 7.5ml of sensi grow to the water and mixed as normal after mixing my water stayed at 5.5ph and then as i went to check my ppm which i wanted around 650ppm only to drop my reader in the water i was like NOOOOOOOO fished it out and it was reading 0 so i turned it of and dryed it with a hair dryer but it now wont work so i have no idea what the ppm is. I also have changed the air pipes as i was using a clear white from the fish store however i found a green slime on it so ive now replaced this with a solid black pipe so hoping this fixes the issue. Ive still not got my new pump so that i can run more bubbles in the buckets but that is still on my to do list. ive also added a few sticks to my larger plant as hes growing a bit wonkey. The temp is 22.3c humidity is 43%

top 2 pics is my good plant and bottom 2 pics are the plant that had the root problem

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:41 am
by Tangerine Dream | 40 Posts | 154 Points

Small update i noticed today when checking the plants that one had a what looked like a burn, im not sure if its due to adding the peroxide or if its due to not checking the ppm or even maybe due to the light? any advice would be great ive shown what the underside of the "burnt" leaf looks like incase that helps

Thanks Tangerine Dream

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:02 pm
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

Looks to me like something got spilled on the leaf

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:37 am
by Tangerine Dream | 40 Posts | 154 Points

checked the plant again today and looks the same so i think it could be like you said ozzydiodude i may have had some peroxide/nutes on my hand when i was touching the leaves after the res change

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:40 pm
by Tangerine Dream | 40 Posts | 154 Points


Had some family stay over so was unable to tend to plants for two days and when i checked them today i almost wanted to die i dont know whats happened to my babys. ive still not got my pump as im looking into one that alittle more than i have at the moment so gota save for it.

Did res change now that i got a new ppm pen water temp was 19c and ppm on water was 231 and i made the ph 5.0 i then added 5ml of sensi grow (as i didnt want to add to much food as i dont know whats wrong with my girls) which then made the water around 411ppm

i have not added any more hydrogen peroxide as i think this could have been the problem (not sure could have been nutes lockout or something)

I am also still having root problems with the second plant the roots just dont want to grow i dont know whats wrong im starting to pull my hair out in worry

These are pics of plant 1 the one that had the small burn as posted in past post but as you can see has gone wayyyyy worse (ive also added some suckers to the res to hold the ring to the bottom as i think it will help with bubbles)

Plant 2 the slow root plant with now a strange blackish mark showing on one leaf

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:18 pm
by The Hemp Goddess | 281 Posts | 1083 Points

"...and i made the ph 5.0 i then added 5ml of sensi grow..."

You should add nutes first and then adjust the pH. If you pH'd to 5.0 and then added nutes, your pH is probably in the 4s somewhere as nutes almost always lower the pH. At that pH level, virtually all nutes are locked out.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History--Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:57 am
by Hushpuppy | 77 Posts | 323 Points

I agree with Goddess. Never adjust your plain water for pH. Add your nutes and everything first then allow it to set ffor a period of time so that the chems will properly disperse into the solution and buffer themselves. Then you check and adjust pH. I think the initial burn/damage is not connected to the problem now, which I think is that they are hungry from not having access to the nutes.

DON'T PANIC, Things happen quickly in hydro but fixes also happen quickly as well. I would recommend that you increase the ppm to about 500-550ppm and adjust the pH to about 5.8 then allow it to set ffor about 6 hours and check again. Keep checking the pH every 6hrs and make small adjustments until it comes in line to where it should be. Once the pH is correct and the plants have access to the nutes, they will green up quite quickly.

Doctor Madbud
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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:59 am
by Hushpuppy | 77 Posts | 323 Points

Its impossible to say what that dark spot is at this point. Get the pH correct and bump up the nutes a bit and give them a few days to get straight. Keep an eye on that dark spot to see what it does but don't do anything to it until we know what it actually is

Doctor Madbud
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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:03 am
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

sage advice thats for sure..
PH at 5 locks everything out instantly..ph at 5.8 lets it all back in right away ...
go get em..keep at it it will settle in ..
green mojo

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:05 pm
by Tangerine Dream | 40 Posts | 154 Points

thanks for the reply's guys the sensi grow i have is the "ph perfect" so i allways check the ph after i have added the nutes and it sits around 5.4/5.5ph
one thing i dont do is let the nutes desolve once i add them i stir it and check ph and then put plant back in so i think thats something im doing wrong then.

ive just made the ph 5.8 and taken an updated photo of the black thing on the leaf. Its now gone more yellow and is starting to turn like the other plant did.

An update on the first plant with the 2 bad fan leaves one of the fan leaves now has brownish spots and is starting to fold

im gona do as you guys have said and keep checking every 6 hours or so and making sure the ph is 5.8 and ill keep this updated with a new pic every time i check the water

Fingers crossed

Tangerine Dream

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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:17 pm
by Hushpuppy | 77 Posts | 323 Points

Even if you lose those couple leaves, its not critical as long as the problem doesn't begin climbing the plant. As your plants grow and mature those first few leaves will ultimately yellow off and die from old age. The plant will take the needed and accessible nutrients from those leaves and move it to the upper part of the plant and then discard the dead leaves. That is the natural process so don't be alarmed if those leaves don't survive this.

Doctor Madbud
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RE: SCROG Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Bubbler first time grow

in Grow Journals Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:29 pm
by Tangerine Dream | 40 Posts | 154 Points

ok thanks for info hushpuppy you and the guys here are helping me out loads so again thanks for taking the time to post and advise me

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