
help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Mon May 05, 2014 4:23 am
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


I want to join the group grow.

I want to keep the clone of I.C. alive (and eventually flower it)

I have VERY little space!

I just transitioned from top feed (me watering aerated nute) 4" RW cube into the tote and FIM'd

Your input is

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Last edited Mon May 05, 2014 4:33 am | Scroll up


RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Mon May 05, 2014 8:15 am
by Grower13 | 513 Posts | 2013 Points

put it in the fridge......... or take clones........ or both...... i'd do both.

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RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Mon May 05, 2014 8:43 am
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

read up on keep a plant as a bonsai. not much space needed and you keep the genetics going

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RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Mon May 05, 2014 11:03 am
by The Hemp Goddess | 281 Posts | 1083 Points

I don't quite understand what you are asking....

If you have limited headroom as it appears, then I would be LSTing the plant. It looks like you have more room to spread horizontally. Clones do usually takes 10 days to a couple of weeks or so to root. Cuts can generally be kept in plastic bags in the vegetable crisper of your fridge for a couple of weeks.

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RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Mon May 05, 2014 12:11 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


this clone is about 4 weeks past cut. its roots fill the 4" cube as I had the side and a bottom "barrier" keeping them from growing out of the cube in place up to about 3 days ago.

two of the totes can fit in my space if turned sideways but that is @ MAX capacity

I want to put this plant on "pause" while I veg the group-grow plant.
then once I know when the group-grow plant will vacate the flower side, I can go back and "un-pause" this plant and VEG it to (roughly) 18"

my biggest issue is the T-5 fixture takes up 98% of the footprint of my VEG area thus I can't have massive height differences
yes, I can hang the one end higher than the other and create a ramp but that only goes so far.

I don't want to hinder the group-grow plant too much in VEG by taking up too much space with this clone


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Last edited Mon May 05, 2014 12:14 pm | Scroll up


RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Mon May 05, 2014 2:33 pm
by Melvan | 492 Posts | 2234 Points

Instead of pause you want to park. Take a cut, root it, replace donor plant with new cut, repeat this until you're ready to full veg. And you don't have to full veg to take new cut, as soon as replacement cut has a cut ready to take, take it, root it, and keep the circle going.


Last edited Mon May 05, 2014 2:33 pm | Scroll up


RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Mon May 05, 2014 2:56 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


Ozzy, read-up, lol... BANZAI !!!!

I'm going to try this to start, if it gets out of hand then I can fall back on the clone park plan

thank you much McFam!!

I will keep this updated a little too while the group-grow thread goes

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Last edited Mon May 05, 2014 3:24 pm | Scroll up


RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Mon May 05, 2014 3:59 pm
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

yep read up on bonsai. You can't call a plant with freedom of root growth a bonsai. restriction of the root s is key to getting the plants the bonsai correctly. Take a clone and root it in a cloning soil. feed super light just enough water to keep alive, is a 4in square pot for 6 month pinch and train it removing most new growth weekly. you just want a branch ot 2 growing.

I'll have to see if @zipflip has any bonsai going he has grew a few

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Last edited Mon May 05, 2014 3:59 pm | Scroll up


RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Mon May 05, 2014 4:21 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points

this will NOT be going back into the tote

I will hand water and keep the 4" cube on the light side of wet ---> dry

between that and cutting growth I would like to think I can stall this plant for 3.5 months

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RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Mon May 05, 2014 4:23 pm
by ozzydiodude • The Weird One | 2.474 Posts | 11542 Points

just keep cutting back the growth tips

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RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Tue May 06, 2014 2:34 am
by zipflip | 57 Posts | 259 Points

rip that girls top off man. I mean down to the very last node left closest the base, then take them remaining tops to them lil branches at node. I don't care if they so small u gotta grab a magnifyin glass and pinch the lil nub of a top off wit a fine needle point tweezers. , fimm them and when they throw new tops thin to one top per branch again and fimm again. thas what I would do anyway. bout all u can do IMO. goin all out bonsai to me personally isn't worth the effort unless I was keepin as a mom and gonna keep her bonsai. but jus keep that one pruned back to the bare minimum and don't over feed. especially no growth stimulants or fancy hormones to promote growth etc. u figure everytime u top or fim a top its gonna take a wek to throw new ones u can actually call official tops and do this about half dozen times over and I bet u'll have a place for her in flower by then and she wont even be but a few inches taller than she is now unless u deprive her of light to point she gets stretchy lookin for light. even still I doubt she'll surpass the height she was originally by time u have room in flower.
u did ask bout how to stall a plant, right? tahs best I can come up wot. nothigs gonna freeze it in comlete stasis.
I have tho taken cuts and stored in a fridge for up to 21days and all rooted fine. but if u ditch the host then ur bankin on them clones in fridge to root and if they don't then ur out luck. .
plain and simple anytime u do any pruning topping fimming etc etc ur gonna stunt/slow or impede growth due to its havin to recoop and heal before getting the oompf again to grow and just when she does u throw her back donw again show her whos boss.
and if she was bonsai in a small stunted pot like bonsai is, then in time the plant itself will actually acclimate itself to the space it has and grow according not exceedin what she can hold above ground really. basically ur just keepin a root bound plant root bound and happy for extended period of time, but in return u gotta find the happy medium between how much growth to trim vs how much to feed to support the amont of growth u leave her with on average all the whle not to over do it or under due it cuz when in such small pots roots confined and all things change wit the bat of an eyelash ometimes. depends on hwo extreme u go with bonsai.
now if u were to keep this plant of urs the same size as in ur picture in that same size pot for over month or so then we could call her beginin stages of bonsai IMO

Last edited Tue May 06, 2014 2:44 am | Scroll up


RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Sun May 18, 2014 12:17 pm
by zipflip | 57 Posts | 259 Points

like I was sayin bro just do wat gotta do if ya aint made a move by now...
this lovely girls are clones of some I started last fall already but never got chance to throw down to flower em out so simply keepin bonsai'd til able to let em buck. IMHO the more establidshed the plant is as far as maturity and age etc, the more it can handle as far as stress from LST root trims etc etc..
but these aint been in a pot bigger than ones they in now for almost 8 months or better. did a couple root trims in meantime but simply washed out the pots and put back in same exact pot but new soil around them is all.. and so long as ya keep em low like I do u shouldn't have to worry much for feed. if thye aint doin much growing then they don't need much to eat so.. just keep em pruned down is all. anytime I see a top im able to pinch of snip wether I got doo it under a mag glass wit a lil pointy tweezers or a prunigg shears. if I see a top tahts able to be wacked I take it... but soon as I bout to need clones whenerver form them i'll simply let em grow out in pots they in depednin on when last root trim was etc, or i'll bump up to a slightly bigger pot like a 6-7" square temporarily for them to bush out for coupe weeks and then in month or better again i'll just root trim em back again and bump em down back intot he 5"squares to stay in mudget bonsai mode til nest time I need em.
cannabis is a tough plant bro. and for me tho if a plant cant handle undergoin the extent of abuse and stress I put em thru as far as the overzealous pruning etc then for me she has no room in my life. if they fall behind then thye do just that. bye bye. but tahs jus me. I call it tough love LOL..
good luck wit whatever route u took tho.
heres a few pix of them all soon after a top trim haircut and root trim.

and heres a few of them just ffew days later after they started bouncing back again after the pruning

and the LIL 'OG' that could :D

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RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Sun May 18, 2014 10:02 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


14 days tomorrow and I see very little (height) growth

I will clip the tips tomorrow I think

I went 3 days last week without water and that was too long between drinks... she really dried out but seems to be bouncing back (slowly)

thank you much for the pictures and insight, it helps a LOT seeing just how far down some cut

<--- in training

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Last edited Sun May 18, 2014 10:05 pm | Scroll up


RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:58 am
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


one month update...

she's all but locked down.

I'm confident I can keep her "short" till its time to GO!

(once again) thank you McFam

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RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:50 pm
by zipflip | 57 Posts | 259 Points

I would almost bet my left teste if u hacked her strait at middle height I bet it wouldn't even phase her bro. jus sayin if ur still dealin wit heigt/size control... also the less growth she gots the less she eats too so less to worry botu. as well too. also I notice the less top growth there is for extended legths of time, that the root mass sorta follows suit. thus being able to sustain her happily in such confined small pot for extended lengths of time. its like harmony when I do bonsais and I get em dialed in on a happy medium of everything. after all this why not just do a bonsai mom of her and simply send some her cuts into flower . use the top growth I tellin u bout wackin down for clones even... it'd even buy u the extra coupel weeks left ya got til ur needin em too.
one thing tho to keep in mind is that shes goin to have been in that there pot for lil while so her roots gonna be a lil wound tight im sure. make sure u give her time to re-stretch her legs a bit into the new pot u put her into befor eya flip 12/12 too. I had root bound sorta plants I transplanted into bigger pots and flipped right away, and they yielded horribly and wfter harvest I scoped root mass and found it didn't hardly even venture into thre rest the new pot wit the actual flowering mix. but tahs why I s say takin clones seems like a faster more efficient route IMO&E... also dependin on hwo tight her root mass is come time u ready to transplant her , the tighter it is the longer she gon take to stretch and settle into new pot. good luck hope she gives ya good smoke after all the troubles.

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RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:00 am
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

I would agree...he would be able to keep his testicles....no wager needed...
If you needed or wanted to you could chop her in half

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RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Sun Jul 13, 2014 4:03 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points

just another update

she hasen't grown more than 1/4" in the past month+ since the last update... good
I've kept her so far on the dry side that I got spider mites... BAD!!

I've read up on here and MP and have a few supplies on order:
-Avid (2 Ounces)
-Forbid (1/2 Ounce)
-Floramite (2 Ounces)
that was all a "1-click" Amazon order pack from San Francisco Seeds ($105)

I also have a gallon of SNS-217 on the way ($110)

guess its better to learn to fight these lil F'rs now and on a (very) small plant than on a full-grown, flowering one!

for the time being, I've given the plant a good COLD shower and will mist her a few times a day

[thank you Ozzy, Melvan and THG, your posts here and on MP have saved and will save many MANY plants!!]

<-- intraining

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Last edited Sun Jul 13, 2014 4:23 pm | Scroll up


RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Sun Jul 13, 2014 4:25 pm
by MR1 | 703 Posts | 2417 Points

Don't forget the 209, that is all I use anymore.

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RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Sun Jul 13, 2014 4:42 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

Avid is super strong...it wiped the Borg clean out of my room...and yes follow up with the SNS209.. Seems to be Magic
Tic for me

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RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:57 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


cut it back BIG time this time

aeroponic cloning (Crit-Kush)

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Last edited Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:03 am | Scroll up


RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:38 am
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


I snuck in 2 generations of CritKush since this Bonsai experiment started...

Mom I.C. right behind clone bucket

Assuming I can get one of these 4 cuts to flower, I will be keeping "bonsai moms" around for a long time.

I think I have enough room to keep 2 strains.

The plan is a rotation for a year or so and then swap one out for a new bean hear and there.
(knowing me, I'll have 10+ plant in 2 years)


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Last edited Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:48 am | Scroll up


RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:55 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

Gotta flower the beast out...

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RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Sat Nov 15, 2014 5:46 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


Bonsai cloning is a lot harder than off "fresh, new" growth...

This bucket has been 90%+ effective up till now...

go figure the weakest above ground plant is the strongest below
I'll have to get a non LED shot of the browned out top... IDK, its the saddest clone I've seen yet


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"While marijuana may not be addictive, most of us have found that this growing thing is."
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RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Sat Nov 15, 2014 7:00 pm
by surfinc | 1.748 Posts | 6388 Points

No need to give up...

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RE: help me Stall a clone 1 generation of VEG

in Advanced Growing Techniques Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:55 pm
by Justa420Friend | 633 Posts | 2284 Points


ya, she'll probably make it...

I "lens burned" the top leafs with standing water I sprayed on

almost time to set her up in some beads

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"While marijuana may not be addictive, most of us have found that this growing thing is."
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Last edited Mon Dec 08, 2014 11:36 am | Scroll up

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