420Friend. All that brown out is very high cbd. The Volcano extracts 97% of the THC when it's working at optimal, you know clean, no clogged screen, ect. Hubby will roll that tap out into joints and smoke them when he's having break through pain in his back. He gets just a marginal head buzz from it, but it really relaxes the muscles and aids sleep.
Also, if you run out of stash, you can go back and regrind that browned out, and vape it again and get high. We've done that more than once.
I love how many ways the Volcano gives you to double dip your stash. I say it all the time, best $500 I ever spent. (I paid more to get the EZ Valve system. People think you can't change the bags in those valves, that you have to buy new, but we change them all the time.)