From the veg, 16 days above the soil line for the new starts. A few of them are ready to pot up, already have very healthy root systems. All 3 of the Northern Grapes are ready, a couple of the Frosty Buckeyes as well. I'll do that one day this week. They're to the point that they need water every day, another sign they're ready to move up to bigger digs.
I'm a bit surprised at the variations showing in the Gorilla Grape F3s. I had expected much more uniform starts, and I've been working that back to the DPD, so I'm not happy to see the small start in front that is growing like a Purple Urkle. I may toss it, because I'm really not interested in chasing PU phenos.

Genius Thai from Bodhi I've ended up with 3. They are about 5 days above the soil line. Had one dud, one that came up and then died with just cotyledons, and I have one that is weak, started with some twisted leaves, but new growth is looking normal, so I'm going to let it ride a bit and see what happens.